HOT Blood Rites by Janrae Frank original free offline view ios

HOT Blood Rites by Janrae Frank original free offline view ios

HOT Blood Rites by Janrae Frank original free offline view ios

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Book description
COLOR, COMPLEXITY AND BLAZING LIFE! Thats how Lyn McConchie, co-author with Andre Norton of Ciaras Song and Key of the Keplian, describes the work of Janrae Frank. Now in the Dark Brothers of the Light Janrae Frank has produced a profound, chilling, thought-provoking one-of-a-kind dark fantasy that begs comparison with Anne Bishops Dark Jewels Trilogy, Lynn Flewellings Bone Dolls Twin, and George R. R. Martins masterful Swords of Ice and Fire. Taken as a blood-slave by Anksha the Beast, Isranon, a young necromancer descended of Isranon Dawnhand must choose between his dead fathers teachings of pacifism and his lycan mentors warrior beliefs in order to survive. Anksha is a demon-eater, who dines on flesh, blood, lives and magic, binding her slaves to her through a dominance-link set into every fiber of their beings. In a brutal world of vampires, blood-drinking sanecari necromancers, and demons, Isranon must find the key to Ankshas inner nature, while escaping the snares set for him by both vampires and his own kind. Together with his lycan mentor, Nevin, he reaches out for allies and answers in a world growing steadily more hostile toward him for reasons he does not fully comprehend. The vampire lord, who is Ankshas master, is creating a monstrous undead creature such as has not been seen in more than 50,000 years to take the world from the gods who rule it. What can one young slave do to stop them in the face of such terrifying odds? Janrae Franks fantasies are ground breaking .works of genius, writers Jessica Amanda Salmonson. Find out why in Blood Rites the first volume of her epic new trilogy. Violence, adult situations.
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