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Book description
Billy the Kid: Beyond the Grave traces the life of this famous desperado through his role in the Lincoln County War, the alleged killing by Sheriff Pat Garrett, Billys escape, and his life for the next sixty-nine years. In 1948, an old man named WiFrom the book cover: The long-lost interviews with William Henry Roberts, alias Henry Antrim, Henry McCarty, Billy Bonney, and Billy the Kid, have been found and for the first time in history are presented here in their entirety. In 1949 investigator William V. Morrison, along with folklorist and writer Dr. C. L. Sonnichsen, determined that Roberts, they eighty-nine years old, was, in truth, the outlaw Billy the Kid, the famous badman many believed to have been shot and killed by sheriff Pat Garrett in Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, on July 14, 1881. The old man was subjected to a series of interviews, all of which were taped. During the interviews, Roberts provided observations, insights, and details about the Kid, the Lincoln County War, and other important historical and geographic details unknown to the historians of the day, all of which have subsequently been verified. The information could have only have come from someone who had been there and participated. In 1955 the tapes vanished and were presumed to be lost. Several efforts to locate them ended in failure. Then, in 1995 they were discovered in an old trunk that once belonged to Roberts. W. C. Jameson, a leading authority on Billy the Kid, provides two introductory chapters detailing the circumstances which led to the identification of Roberts as Billy the kid as well as the events leading up to the discovery of the lost interview tapes.
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