HOT Biblical Dan by Avraham Biran apple portable book pocket writer

HOT Biblical Dan by Avraham Biran apple portable book pocket writer

HOT Biblical Dan by Avraham Biran apple portable book pocket writer

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Book description
This book by the lead archaeologist of the Dan excavations between 1966 and 1993 has just the right mix of detail and readability for the amateur historian. Dan was a city located in northern-most ancient Israel having an intermittent occupation from Neolithic to late Roman times. In Israelite times it was the main city of the tribe of Dan. The transition from the late Bronze age city (stratum VII) to the earliest iron age city (stratum VI and presumably Israelite) was separated by a destructive fire layer dating to approximately 1,200 BC. This layer was followed by a completely different material culture consisting of storage pits and collared rim pottery.
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