HOT Being A Tale of Tavros Nitram, Agender Fairychild Extraordinaire by Edoro flibusta fb2 download original online

HOT Being A Tale of Tavros Nitram, Agender Fairychild Extraordinaire by Edoro flibusta fb2 download original online

HOT Being A Tale of Tavros Nitram, Agender Fairychild Extraordinaire by Edoro flibusta fb2 download original online

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Book description
HomestuckIn Which Many Canon Events Are Told In Summary Form For Reasons of Already Ridiculous Length, Issues of Gender and Sexuality Are Discussed Quite Often, Tavros Does Not Want To Grow Up, And Everything Ends Happily, Featuring Several Instances of Vriska, One Explicit Moiraillegiance Scene and Implications Of Another Off-Screen, Numerous Chatlogs, One Memo, Troubling Language From Several Sources Including Karkat Vantas, Three Piles, A Scene of Nonconsensual Amputation, Many Conflicted Feelings, A Resolution of Questionable Red Feelings, and One Non-Explicit Educational Flashing Over Webcam.
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