HOT Babylons Falling: The Story of Belteshazzar, Also Known as Daniyyel by William G. Collins direct link story iBooks book spanish

HOT Babylons Falling: The Story of Belteshazzar, Also Known as Daniyyel by William G. Collins direct link story iBooks book spanish

HOT Babylons Falling: The Story of Belteshazzar, Also Known as Daniyyel by William G. Collins direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description
The age-old question, Where was Daniel when his three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace? is answered in this work of historical fiction. The young nobleman, Daniel of Judah, is taken captive and finds himself prisoner and forced to march all the way from Jerusalem to the ancient city of Babylon. He and his three companions survive the four month journey of cruelty and hardship and are thrown into a pagan culture of idolatry and apostasy. Given new names, and a new king to serve, their lives become an adventure filled with danger, mystery and romance. Trained as a seer, the new Belteshazzar finds his faith strong enough to fulfill his new role as governor and counsel to the mad king Nebuchadnezzer. As Gods man, he sees the coming fall of the great empire and is witness to Cyrus the Greats deliverance of his people and eventual return to the land of their fathers. With the love of his beloved Inanna and support of an important general, the man from Judah is able to rise victorious from Babylons ruin like a phoenix that will not die. Babylons Falling is a story for our times that will uplift, inspire and encourage the reader to live a life that dares to believe!
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