HOT Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender by Elsa Beskow txt german pc download review

HOT Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender by Elsa Beskow txt german pc download review

HOT Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender by Elsa Beskow txt german pc download review

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In that little yellow house lived three sisters, March 4, 2016This review is from: Aunt Green, Aunt Brown & Aunt Lavender (Hardcover)(Verified Purchase What is this?)First in the Peter & Lotta series, this is the story of how the children first came to live with the three old aunts in their little yellow house. Aunt Green is always out in her orchard; Aunt Brown likes making gingerbread ...and Aunt Lavender just dresses in lavender. And opposite, keeping an eye out for naughty children scrumping the Aunts fruit lives Uncle Blue.When a nasty man makes off with their poodle, Dot, the children help find him - and a kitten into the bargain! Since the children have no parents and live with Washerwoman Wendy who doesnt like them, its easily arranged that they come to live with the aunts. Esmerelda, the kitten, gets to stay too: she helped by catching rats and drinking cream and playing with Aunt Lavenders ball of wool.Beautiful little story with illustrations set in the Swedish countryside.
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