HOT Assignment: Bodyguard by Lenora Worth (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

HOT Assignment: Bodyguard by Lenora Worth (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

HOT Assignment: Bodyguard by Lenora Worth (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

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Book description
Her father will accept only the best for Kit Atkinss protection. So when Kit is threatened, he calls on Shane Warwick, a CHAIM agent. Shane is calm, capable, protective--and way too charming for Kits peace of mind. Yet despite her protests, Shane refuses to leave her side. As they hide out at a remote Texas ranch, a powerful bond grows between them, even as danger rises. Connections to the mysterious death of Kits late husband reveal old betrayals. Suddenly, Kits assigned bodyguard is the only person she can trust.
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