HOT Arrest by June Gray (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

HOT Arrest by June Gray (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

HOT Arrest by June Gray (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

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Book description
Life begins at happily ever after…For Elsie and Henry, getting married and buying a house is only the beginning of their passionate new adventure. Elsie is flourishing in her job while Henry embarks on a new career as a police officer. Everything, it seems, has finally fallen into place.Just when it’s all smooth sailing, they face life-altering changes that make Elsie question her ability to adapt. With Henry’s job putting him in constant danger, she watches helplessly while he slips back into his old habits. Elsie must find a way—through any means necessary—to prevent the past from repeating.With the sand constantly shifting underfoot, Elsie and Henry have to figure out how to strengthen their bond—before they end up losing what matters most…
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