HOT Ark Angels Vol.3 by Sang-Sun Park book eReader pdf story spanish

HOT Ark Angels Vol.3 by Sang-Sun Park book eReader pdf story spanish

HOT Ark Angels Vol.3 by Sang-Sun Park book eReader pdf story spanish

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Book description
Short but sweet ~ probably too short though! It ended so very suddenly! The drawing style was charming and delightful. The plot device of turning the animals into humans was not only visually more pleasing, but it brought down an emotional hammer, watching them being hunted, eaten, slaughtered for their skins and so forth. The story was rife with extremely poignant metaphors and in the end turned out to be something of a graphically portrayed fable, which is why I feel there were so many holes in the plot - it wasnt necessarily meant to be a believable story, but rather the main point of the story was to convey the moral at the end. Said moral is that if humans dont stop destroying the earth, the earth, and indeed the universe itself, will sentence us to death before we can take the rest of creation down with us. In spite of the abruptness of the ending, I really liked how the series concluded as a cliffhanger, with Shem, Ham and Japheth continuing their mission, and the earth and the moon deliberating on whether or not to execute the humans, by fire or by plague, the clock continuing to tick down to midnight when it would be too late, and at the very last, the plea for the reader to join Noahs daughters in their quest to save the human race by making the choice to change our ways. Even though this series is very cute and funny, and occasionally quite random and cartoonish, it actually had a really profound message, and by the end, I was surprised by how enchanted and moved I was by it! Its definitely worth reading!
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