HOT An Introduction to Genetic Engineering by Desmond S.T. Nicholl german online english format offline

HOT An Introduction to Genetic Engineering by Desmond S.T. Nicholl german online english format offline

HOT An Introduction to Genetic Engineering by Desmond S.T. Nicholl german online english format offline

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Book description
Des Nicholl presents a new, fully revised, and expanded edition of his popular undergraduate-level textbook. The book retains many of the features of the original edition and still offers a concise technical introduction to the subject of genetic engineering. It is divided into three main sections: basic molecular biology, methods of gene manipulation, and modern applications of genetic engineering. Applications covered in the book include genomics, protein engineering, gene therapy, cloning, transgenic animals and plants, and bioethics. An Introduction to Genetic Engineering is essential reading for undergraduate students of biotechnology, genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry.
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