HOT A Travellers History of Turkey by Richard Stoneman read purchase how read cheap eng

HOT A Travellers History of Turkey by Richard Stoneman read purchase how read cheap eng

HOT A Travellers History of Turkey by Richard Stoneman read purchase how read cheap eng

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Book description
Turkeys location guaranteed that it would have a complex and fractured history, but the modern visitor (especially to Istanbul) will find most of it covered over with a thick layer of Ottomanic Islam. I mean this both literally -- e.g. the horrid mustard-yellow plaster with which the mosaics of the Hagia Sophia were erased -- and figuratively, in the sense that the sultans appeared to have not the slightest interest in preserving any remnants of the past. I got the sense from visiting that modern Turkey is still struggling with the issue of how to best preserve and present its own rich history.The biggest surprise of this book is learning just how frequently Turkey slipped through the hands of one ruler or another. Greeks, Lydians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Armenians, and countless others took their shot -- but often for surprisingly short periods. Second biggest surprise was how relatively unimportant Constantinople/Istanbul was for the entire ancient era. Id sort of always thought of it as the belly button of the world, but apparently much of the action in ancient Turkey was on the Mediterranean side.Although there is a great deal of information crammed into this slender volume, its a classic example of the and then... and then... and then... school of historical writing dreaded by all schoolchildren. By the time you get to the 40th obscure ancient general, tribal chieftain, or vague and constantly-shifting area of historical geography, your eyes are glazing over. Much more of a quick reference than an actual reading experience.
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