HOT A Sweet Misfortune by Maggie Brendan (Goodreads Author) cheap store read without signing reader

HOT A Sweet Misfortune by Maggie Brendan (Goodreads Author) cheap store read without signing reader

HOT A Sweet Misfortune by Maggie Brendan (Goodreads Author) cheap store read without signing reader

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Book description
Rachel Matthews isnt one to rely on others to take care of her. Destitute and alone, she still wants to make her own way and her own money--even if shes forced into the life of a dance hall girl. Horrified by her circumstances, Rachels brother sends a friend--the widely admired cattle baron John McIntyre--to rescue her, then sets off to earn enough money to buy back the family ranch. But when months pass without her brothers return, Rachel isnt sure she can take one more day in John McIntyres home--especially once she discovers that hes the one who holds the deed to her familys ranch.Sparks fly between this spunky, independent heroine and the ruggedly handsome hero as they navigate the snarled terrain of pride, greed, faith, and love in Maggie Brendans delightful series set in the Old West.
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