Growth Projection of PTM

Growth Projection of PTM


There are several reasons why we believe our coin will have decent value over time, and we would like to share those with our community. As you already know, there will be three assets in the Paytomat ecosystem: PTI, PTM and PTX. However since PTX is a pure loyalty token that won’t be tradable and PTI is going to be exchanged to PTM, we’re going to focus on PTM alone.

Masternodes (comparison with Dash growth)

History has proven that masternodes are a very powerful strategy for holding and retaining sustainable growth of an asset. Let’s look at certain dynamics of coins that announced a support of masternodes and the value they gained over time.

Let’s look at the growth of Dash price vs the number of masternodes since they announced such a change in their infrastructure.

Paytomat will use masternodes for the following purposes:

  • maintain a healthy number of full nodes on the network that meet the requirements of a global, decentralised, fast and reliable payment system capable of handling thousands of transactions per second;
  • process requests that contain additional services for merchants and end customers;
  • vote on proposals that the community will propose to the network.

The most important part about masternodes is that people who hold the coins have an incentive not to sell them. In the case of Paytomat, they will receive a portion of the fee from each transaction. That means that the more people hold the coins, the more stable the price is during the market corrections. This also implies that over time there will be less coins remaining for the general public to buy, which will drive its value significantly.

Internal marketplace for merchants

Another important driver for the growth of our coin is Paytomat marketplace. Basically, we’re creating a system (both web and mobile) where any merchant will be able to offer the best deals and discounts to their customers, including free drinks and free services.

A small amount of PTM coins will be charged from merchants to distribute such offers to their client base, which will gradually increase the price of the coin.

There are very important partnerships we haven’t announced yet about this feature specifically so stay tuned.

Medium of exchange

Our main goal is to help users to pay with any crypto they prefer. By leveraging our unique blockchain-based loyalty program, Paytomat will create a very big distribution of PTM coins. This may compete with Steemit, which currently has the largest number of active users.

With potentially millions of coins in the hands of people and its broad acceptance worldwide, the demand for PTM coin will gradually rise. The more locations that accept it, the more the Paytomat community grows, the bigger the demand for PTM coin becomes. There won’t be planned pumps and dumps, instead we intend to have steady growth.

Self-balanced tokenomics (BFX tokens)

Paytomat blockchain (in comparison to what happened with other tokens like EOS, Tron, etc.)

Typically a few months prior to the testnet and mainnet any coin that is switching to their own blockchain experiences a nice surge in the price. The reason for that is because the this particular project starts to pass a development stage and evolve into something more practical that people will be able to use worldwide.

The benefits to having your own blockchain depends on the needs of the individual project. It involves elimination of various limitations of the blockchain the token was issued on and full control of each transaction.

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