Go For It Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

Go For It Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4


Go For It Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4


Two men meet each other in a strange situation and end up being mistaken for robbers first, for secret service agents later.
Mason is driving a truck when he takes on his lorry Rosco a hitchhiker. Traffic police stop them for a control but they are confused for two robbers. They manage to escape in a very strange way from this situation, but just to fall in a worse one. They run to the airport trying to take the first flight available. The couple not only succeeds to have a free flight to Miami but someone give them a bag full of million dollars. Later Rosco and Mason will understand that this time they were confused for two secret agents but it is too late, now they are too deeply involved in the situation. Obviously a funny situation.
I&#39;ve recently bought the DVD of this movie, but I remember watching it when I was a child, here in Italy they used to play a lot of Spencer-Hill movies (in the 70s 80s), unfortunately now it&#39;s a total different story...Italian comedy has gone totally bad. But this is another issue.<br/><br/>I&#39;ve watched it in both the versions (English,I suppose it&#39;s the original one..?) and Italian , the one I was used to. I&#39;ve noticed some changes in the dialogs , like in every movie, and I&#39;d like to quote a funny sketch, that you can see when they go to meet K1... K1 says &quot;Mr ..... and....., I suppose&quot; and Spencer says &quot;You suppose right&quot; , well in Italian is more funny because the line changes in &quot;la supposta è giusta &quot; where &quot;supposta &quot; means both the past tense of &quot;supporre &quot; (to suppose) and also the little rocket- shaped medicine you take when you have fever ... :) :) (got it ?...........:) ciao ciao gio&#39;
Enzo Barboni&#39;s &quot;Nati Con La Camicia&quot; aka. &quot;Trinity: Hits The Road&quot; is easily the most bizarre movie with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, and also one of their funniest and best. The movie has everything we love about Bud and Terence flicks - but plenty of fistfights and ass-kicking, wonderful lowbrow humor, extremely dumb villains, the typical jokes and feeling - plus the most bizarre ending of any of their movies (which I won&#39;t give away).<br/><br/>Bud and Terence star as the typical proletarian drifters they always are, Rosco (Hill) and Doug (Spencer). Doug is a Truck driver who makes the mistake of taking Rosco, a hitchhiker, along. After escaping a police control, the two are mistaken for criminals at first, for two secret agents named Steinberg and Mason later...<br/><br/>In case you are looking for intellectual comedy no film with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill will be your taste. In case you like Bud and Terence, however, you should certainly not miss &quot;Trinity: Hits The Road&quot;. It is admittedly silly, but so are all the Spencer/Hill comedies; for a fan of the two, this is perfect entertainment, and I personally laugh my ass off each time I see it. Out of their non-Western movies, this is one of my favorites. Spencer/Hill movies are certainly not everybody&#39;s taste, but in case you&#39;re a fan you certainly can&#39;t allow yourself to miss this one!


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