Gladiformers Robos Gladiadores Movie Download

Gladiformers Robos Gladiadores Movie Download


Gladiformers: Robos Gladiadores Movie Download

Robots in disguise are forced to combat against each other in a colosseum where it's always a fight to the death! Only one can make it out alive.
As much as it sounds like I don't take any pleasure at all in disliking intensely the work of Video Brinquedo, but it is like with The Asylum(which Video Brinquedo have been compared to and for a reason) that you keep watching to see the fuss is all about and to see whether they make anything worthwhile. The bottom line is that Video Brinquedo's output is as bad as it is said to be and none of it is remotely good, the worst of it terrible. Whether Gladiformers is their worst is debatable, for me it's still Ratatoing, but it is most definitely one of them. The animation is really poorly done(not a surprise, Video Brinquedo's animations all contain some of the worst animation there is), the colours manage to be flat and garish, the backgrounds are both sparse and scrappy and you'd be hard pressed to find stiffer-looking robots anywhere else. The music ranges from generically forgettable to nightmare-inducing, some of the placing can also be inappropriate. The dialogue is far too talky and none of it is interesting, it's all cheesy exchanges, juvenile humour and awkward exposition that leads absolutely nowhere. The characters, starting with some of the most uninspired names you can possibly think of, are either annoying, dull as dishwater or both, you relate to absolutely nobody and they don't even really do all that much. The voice acting is very creepy sounding too, if a child watched this they would most likely be traumatised by some of the voices for the robots. But the worst thing about Gladiformers is the story, a case of too much talk and not enough action. And the occasional flashes there is of action are choreographed and animated very clumsily and with no excitement at all. The story is not just a bore but it is also incomprehensible to the extent that you don't have a clue as to what is going on, one thing that actually sets it apart from a lot of Video Brinquedo stuff. All in all, really painful with all the attributes that make Video Brinquedo have the reputation they have and makes the additional mistake of being incoherent. The three live action Transformers films are all far preferable to this as are the worst of the Transformers animated shows. 0/10 Bethany Cox


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