Gitkraken Free Private Repository

Gitkraken Free Private Repository


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I've been using GitKraken for a while now, since about May of this year and it never gave me any trouble, except for now. I was working on a school project and GitKraken now prevents me from opening its repository, because, apparently, this is now a Pro feature, although, I have a Github Pro account, which I use to login in Gitkraken, so, I should have access to Pro features, but I don't.
Educorreia 103●11 silver badge●66 bronze badges
The GitKraken edition page on their website shows that working with private repos is a paid feature of the KitKraken software. Your GitHub Pro account doesn't mean you get GitKraken Pro features. It's a case of different companies with paid software editions both called "Pro", but with their own benefits.
If you want to use private repos with GitKraken, you'll have to make the leap from the free tier to the paid tier -- or look at other alternatives.
GitKraken provides complimentary upgrades to GitKraken Pro for verified students. To make use of this benefit:
AMtwo 487●33 silver badges●99 bronze badges
@Educorreia This is specifically about a “GitHub Student Developer Pack”. Is that what you have? – Daniel B Nov 8 '19 at 12:41
@Educorreia IF (and only if) you have the GitHub Student Developer Pack (a free upgrade to Pro service tier from GitHub, available only to verified students), then GitKraken will ALSO provide a free upgrade to Pro GitKraken – AMtwo Nov 8 '19 at 13:20
According to GitKraken's website, private repos are not available in the free tier of GitKraken. You need the Individual or Pro plan.
gronostaj 48.6k●1616 gold badges●107107 silver badges●150150 bronze badges
I know, but despite having GitHub Pro (student pack), I'm not getting GitKraken Pro with it – Educorreia Nov 8 '19 at 14:48
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Installing older version of Gitkraken is the only solution I guess to work on private repo if you want it for free and without student developer pack.
From the release notes, the last version to support private repo is v6.5.1.
Installing older version of Gitkraken is the only solution I guess to work on private repo if you want it for free and without student developer pack.
From the release notes, the last version to support private repo is v6.5.1.
For MacOS
echo "" >> /private/etc/host
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
and edit
Windows 10 – “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts”
Linux – “/etc/hosts”
Mac OS X – “/private/etc/hosts
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git - Can't use GitKraken on private repositories - Super User
GitKraken open Private Repository · GitHub
gitkraken does not support opening private repositories ...
Can't use GitKraken on private repositories : git
So suddenly git kraken wont open private repositories? : git
Gitkraken free private repo. Top 5 Git Windows Client
Open, Clone, and Init - GitKraken Documentation
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Gitkraken Free Private Repository

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