

What is Gilgamesh

Why did the team take such a strange name? An ancient Sumerian legend about Gilgamesh is the first literary article known in the history of mankind. The developers of the Gilgamesh platform as well as the creators of the article want to mark the era with the changes that it will provide in the literature market.

The Gilgamesh platform aims to create comfortable conditions for readers, get rid of unnecessary intermediaries. Usually now publishers receive some profit from sales of the books printed by them, however the system proposes basically to avoid the publisher, connecting authors and readers directly.

How Gilgamesh Works

In his work, Gilgamesh uses Blockchain technologies based on Ethereum. The smart contracts system helps to organize effective trade in crypto-currencies and GIL tokens. To work in the system a special application Gilgamesh is developed.

Literature is one of the most beautiful means of understanding the world. Books were the most universal source of knowledge for humanity since ancient times. The Internet has changed a lot in our lives, but man’s craving for literature and for knowledge has not disappeared anywhere. Technologies are actively developing, and now many tools for searching and reading books online can be called hopelessly outdated.

This application is designed to connect the user with the writer directly. Now it will be possible to contact the authors or agents at any time quickly and easily, without any requests and visiting various instances in office hours. Such a system will simplify the work of editors and marketers, the last ones by the way will be able to offer services to promote literary works directly.

Tokens system – GIL – are primarily intended for payment on the Gilgamesh platform for the services of the authors. The platform guarantees the support of the active spreading of information. The principal difference from ordinary publishers is that authors will only pay for Publisher’s services, not sharing the sales percentage.

Today the main problem is the lack of feedback from the reader directly to the author, and this can be very important, both for the reader and for the creator of the work. In any case, it is always possible to leave the dialogue optional, but to draw some conclusions for the development of a particular work.

Another undisputed advantage of the platform can be called the ability to write reviews by users and receive a reward for them. All transactions within the system are paid in local currency – GIL.

Principle of operation


The total volume of tokens release is 72 million. Among them, 25%, or 18 million tokens are intended for crowdshare. One system token at the preliminary price is roughly equivalent to the US dollar, so you can safely voice the project’s hard cap – $ 18 million. But the team is tying its actions to the etherium – and expresses this figure in 12,500 ethers. Installed soft-cap – 1,250 ethers ($ 1,206,400) has already been overcome. To buy coins is possible only for an ether for a while, the minimum admissible sum is 0,1 ether.

Pre-sale. About preliminary sales, nothing is known, both in technical documentation on the website and on the Internet.

ICO. From 16/01/2018 to 26/03/2018. For one ether, you can buy 1.200 tokens on the new platform. The team has established a very interesting bonus system: in the first week of sales it was possible to get a bonus of 27%, in the second – 24%, in the third 21% and so on – with a difference of 3% up to 10 weeks, on which bonuses were not provided. Based on the data on the website on February 17, 2013 (the end of the 5 week of major sales) a 15% bonus was still effective.

How will the tokens be distributed?

– 30% will be distributed among users of the platform;

– Only 20% are allocated for sale during the ICO period;

-Also 20%, will be frozen for some time for the needs of the team – every 6 months the team members will receive 25% of these funds;

– The next 20% will be frozen for 1.5 years, in order to subsequently use it for the development of the platform;

– 5% will be received by the earliest investors and partners.

How will the funds be distributed?

-65% will be allocated to employees;

-13% marketing;

-6% legalization, legal issues;

-16% operating expenses.


There is a mini-chat support and conveniently located telegram channel link, the feedback form and registration form. Convenient, practical design without frills.


Available in 10 languages, including Russian and English. Written in a simple and understandable language, there are flowcharts describing the most general principles of the platform, no complicated formulas and code. A lot of space is devoted to the development plans, but almost nothing is written about the team here.

Also there are some useful documents in English – Token Purchase Agreement for 14 pages, which is a detailed description of concepts in the system of tokens, Terms & Conditions – 12 pages. An even more general document, the study of which will help to understand the platform quickly. Also there is a Privacy Policy document and a business card of the project with the team.


The site lists only 5 team members and 4 advisers. Most likely, the creators of the project decided to hide from the public a couple of dozens of valuable employees, so that no one would overtake them.

Social networks

Most of the users are interested in Telegram channel – there are 4,363 subscribers on February 17, 2013. Also the project has an official Twitter – 3991, Facebook – 751, reddit – 244, github – 15 stars and 6 forks. Also there are profiles in such social networks as a discordapp and steemit. Also there is a profile on Medium with lots of articles. Profile on bitcointalk is young enough – it was created only in September 2017 and has only 2 stars. For some reason, the team preferred Vimeo instead of YouTube, although the last one has 2 quality videos that perfectly describe the project.


– 20% on signatures and avatars;

– 15% allocated for transfers;

– 10% share of the blogosphere and media;

– 5% allocated to Telegram;

– 10% were allocated to Twitter;

– 10% to FB;

– Another 10% received error handlers;

– 5% – voting in DAPP;

– 15% for other programs.

Road map

It was drawn from the second quarter of 2016 to the middle of the 2019th. Most of the points are behind. In the nearest future will take place Plato’s release, with the final emission at the end of the year. At the beginning of next year there will be a beta release of Shakespeare and an alpha release of Homer, by the middle of the year there will be a major release of Shakespeare and a beta version of Homer will be released. What is behind these great names? Plato is the earliest version of the system in which the inner social network is built with the integration of tokens. Shakespeare is an extension of the application with a variety of functions, including chats and messages, collections of literature, commenting capabilities, and more. Homer – the stage of integration of self-publications on the platform into the application, i.e. at the stage of integration of this system, authors will be able to sell their creativity on the platform without intermediaries.


The creators of the platform Gilgamesh consider as their main competitor the Goodreads system, supported, by the way, by Facebook. Although Goodreads has serious patrons, they are inferior to newcomers in functionality. And some experts agree that the platform is morally obsolete. With the new platform, reading and sharing information will become a fun activity where active users can earn GIL tokens. The idea behind the platform is very bright, although the technical features are relatively simple, let’s hope the project will have a great future. Attitude to the project is extremely positive.

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