Ghajini Sub Download

Ghajini Sub Download


Ghajini Sub Download

Medical student, Sunita, is driven by curiosity to study the case of Sanjay Singhania, who is afflicted with short-term memory loss. She runs into him, befriends him, and finds out that he is out to kill a seemingly benevolent citizen, Ghajini Dharmatma. After warning the latter of the impending danger, she subsequently comes across a number of diaries written by Sanjay and attempts to put together a jigsaw puzzle as to how a successful and wealthy businessman became a crazed recluse, who re-lives his past through tattoos on his body, notes and Polaroid photographs on the wall of his Hiranandani Complex flat, and his sole obsession of carrying out his deadly mission - little knowing that Ghajini and his goons are out to erase every bit of evidence he has gathered and thus ensure that he ends up remembering nothing.
A short-term memory loss patient sets out on his journey to avenge the death of his beloved girl.
First thing first, this is ma first review on any website. Another thing is that I am a huge Amir khan fan. But sadly after seeing this movie and listening to amir khan comment, he had lost respect. What these bunch of loosers had done.. they hijacked the main plot of Hollywood classical movie Memento and land them in their errorful script of movie. I mean to say how they can do this, they are making the people fool. OK i agree that a person who hadn&#39;t seen MEMENTO can appreciate Ghajini (Though i strongly think even though the movie is totally crap) but for the person who had got a beautiful experience of watching Memento can never recommend Ghajini. As for Memento, we are used to seeing scenes progressing one after the other and getting along with the story.But what if,someone plans to reveal scenes one before another and yet is not only able to maintain the coherence of the plot but also has been able to make it all the more gripping.That is exactly what hugely talented director Christopher Nolan(his other creations include the Dark Knight,Prestige and Batman begins and of whom it is said that he is totally incapable of making a bad movie) and his editors have managed to achieve in this movie.Hence I wasn&#39;t surprised at all when recently it was declared as the movie with the best climax ever. I hope that Mr. Nolan will never got an opportunity of seeing Ghajini coz as an Indian i don&#39;t want that he will laugh on Indian way of making movie. Look i just want to say that, the basic storyline of both the movies are same, in a very crude language we can say: Its a revenge drama in which heroine died and hero takes the revenge (Though Memento had got more to it).. What is new in it? In fact the main Hero of the movie is the disease that had engulfed our main protagonist.. and sadly Mr. Murugadoss( Director of Ghajini) cant explore that part of the movie.<br/><br/>Now some people can argue that ITS WRONG TO COMPARE?? To them i want to say that then Why the hell Ghajini crew is shouting that they had created an original movie?? Polaroids camera, tattoos, short term memory loss.. what is all this?? To top it all Mr. Khan had said in an interview that his movie is an original one and he had seen Memento and HIS movie is a better one because he cant understand Memento?? Mr. Khan in my whole life as a student i cant understand Einsteins theory of relativity that means it is of no use???<br/><br/>Come on Bollies come out of your shell... Try to make something of yourself, something original.. Playing safe will never take you to the top.
First of all.... GREAT MOVIE!!! I just wanted to say a couple things, clarify a few more things...<br/><br/>First Half: For those who have seen the Tamil version, the first half is very very predictable. The only change I could see was Amir instead of Surya. The scenes, the jokes, the locations, everything is the same. It was hilarious in parts, just like the Tamil version.<br/><br/>Second Half: Similar, but the ending is very very different. After seeing the first half, I was predicting the next scene in my head and watching it come to life. Half through the Second Half, I was not able to predict too much as it deviated from the Tamil version quite a bit.<br/><br/>Conclusion: For those who have seen the Tamil version, please keep an open mind as the last half hour or so is different and quite interesting. For those who haven&#39;t seen the Tamil version, what the heck are you waiting for??


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