Gamera Vs Guiron Movie Download In Mp4

Gamera Vs Guiron Movie Download In Mp4


Gamera Vs. Guiron Movie Download In Mp4

Three children, two boys and a girl, stumble upon a flying saucer. The boys both step in without hesitating, and are whisked away to a planet in Earth's orbit but on the exact opposite side of the Sun. Inhabiting this planet are two women with Midwestern accents, who hypnotize the children to find they fantasize about milk, donuts, and Gamera, our favorite hero turtle. The women simply want to eat their brains. Back home, no one will believe the little girl's story of alien abduction, not even Officer Concha (pronounced "Cornjob"). Finally, Gamera rescues the children while fighting Guiron, a monster with a giant knife for a nose. Gamera kills Guiron while doing gymnastics on a parallel bar and takes the kids home, where the kids hope for peace, understanding, and the end of traffic accidents.
Aliens kidnap two children and take them to another planet for the purpose of getting knowledge from their brains, but Gamera follows and tries to rescue them.
Gamera vs Guiron is the most raucous example of bad FX since Turkish Star Wars! The hilarious dubbing alone makes the price worthwhile! Rejoice as a knife-monster turns his enemy into cold cuts! Revel in the ridiculous plotholes and nonsensical dialogue! Hum to an extremely cheesy (yet catchy) tune! Snicker at the horrendous and omnipresent special effects!<br/><br/>Though Gamera vs Guiron is hilarious with or without MST3K protection, I would recommend the latter to B-movie newcomers.
O.K., so there&#39;s lots of laughs for this epitome of silliness that has a giant turtle with a gas problem that makes it spin around and makes it great doing flips and handstands on a chin-up bar. An adolescent Japanese brother and sister, along with their American friend, believe that they are hearing signals from another planet, and it turns out that they know more than the rocket scientists at Cape Canaveral. Boarding an abandoned ship left behind which they witnessed in their own telescope, the boys leave the babbling little girl behind. The aliens they meet when the boys land on the planet equivalently the same length on the other side of the sun as earth is on our side live on a planet in danger of becoming an ice star. With the help of Gamera (&quot;the children&#39;s friend!&quot;), they battle the two female survivors (who also happen to look Japanese!) and a monster who has a nose that looks strangely like a butcher knife. Children&#39;s matinée audiences must have howled at the sound effects and silly special effects involving the two monsters battling each other and the threats of the two aliens to eat the two children&#39;s brains in order to gain their knowledge.


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