

GRE project that can be taken into consideration in observing the latest projects that have a unique and good concept, for more details let’s just go to the following discussion:The level of risk varies in different situations. Traditional insurance products are centralized and create common solutions for everyone. This causes problems for people with varying risk profiles. The lack of personalized insurance products is a serious problem for the insurance sector.In the traditional insurance sector a lot of waste of financial resources. There are many other problems in the industry, such as the high cost of sales channels and low cash efficiency, low operational efficiency, misuse of personal information from users and misleading political and insurance sales. fraud.Similarly, there are many problems in the derivatives market, such as unregistered trades without elimination and opaque risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk. It is necessary to implement blockchain technology to find solutions for the above tasks.



The main advantage of GRE for candidate insurees is its flexibility. This allows them to tailor risk management contracts to their individual needs and means, while also ensuring transparency and reliability in their transactions and reducing the cost of money and time.Potential insurance companies will be able to use the GRE platform to find new customers, while also saving their own overhead costs and reducing the risk of insurance fraud. Offering capacity for risk that you think is impossible, especially with regard to company defaults and similar events, can also be seen as a form of investment.And other users, especially those with actuarial training or other relevant skills, will be able to share the platform’s advantages by crafting new contracts that will find demand among customers.



GRE is an innovative concept that meets real demand for easier and more reliable ways of obtaining (or providing) insurance, and creating unique new possibilities for designing and trading risk management contracts.It makes good use of advanced technology, including Graphene libraries and a variety of integrated programs, to facilitate transactions and verify information. Using public blockchain and online trading platforms, GRE offers a number of advantages over standard ways of getting insurance, such as flexibility, transparency, reliability, and speed.It also relies on market mechanisms, coupled with technology and human intervention, to ensure that more rational prices and contracts will remain common on the platform and in the insurance market in general.



Blockchain technology makes use of the sharable distributed ledger to store transaction data, issue crypto currency and execute smart contracts. Its main advantages are: Decentralization, transaction information written into the blocks can not be tampered with, providing the correct and reliable information record. Smart contracts can be automatically executed without human intervention All Information transparent and traceable Blockchain technology will redefine the insurance market and financial derivatives and become the underlying operating system for future financial and financial derivatives markets.


High Performance

Built on the Graphene tool kit, GRE can achieve an average of 1.5 seconds block confirmation time and 100,000 transactions per second (TPS). This is proportional to the transaction processing speed of a traditional centralized network.

All-platform support is not only PC and mobile, but also API and SDK to meet the needs of different types of users.

High Efficiency

GRE improves the efficiency of all parts of the traditional insurance value chain through Oracle and API and reduces intermediary costs at the same time.


Based on the community-driven and growing RDHI database, users can tailor risk contracts to meet their individual needs, as well as the risks of trading in the derivatives market, further improving their risk management capabilities.

Long Term Development Plan

Once completed developing the trading risk management contract function, GRE will focus on the development of the derivative market, providing users with functions such as real-world policy promises, secondary contract trading and so on.

Details of ICO

Token Symbol: RISK

Token Price: 1 ETH = 100,000 RISK

Total Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 RISK Time

locking: Nile

Soft Cap: 2,000 ETH

Hard Cap: 20,000 ETH

Start: May 20, 2018

End: June 20, 2018

The future of insurance

Insurance is a broad ecosystem that, at least potentially, can include every person and organization in modern society. Together with the insurance derivatives market, it covers most of the risk management practices used to prevent unexpected things. Without it, business as we know it is impossible.

Moving risk management from an insurance company’s hands to an online decentralized market is a very ambitious effort and relies heavily on purchases from a sufficient number of insurance, writers, and contract writers.

Without a sizable initial ecosystem, GRE platforms will not take off (and complaints about their lack of activity because the ICO is more apprehensive when viewed from this perspective).

However, with it, will have unlimited space for expansion, since insurance is a universal requirement in all areas; and may be able to completely change the way we manage uncertainty and risk.

A risk is the part of the everyday life. No, matter what we do or where we live, everything involves risk. The degree of risk is variable in different circumstances. Traditional insurance products are centralized and create a general solution for everyone. This creates problems for the individuals who have diversified risk profile. The lack of personalized insurance products is a major challenge for the insurance industry. There is a lot of waste of financial resources in the traditional insurance industry.

There are many other problems in the industry, such as High sales channel cost & low cash efficiency, low operating efficiency, misuse of users private information and misleading policy sales and insurance fraud. Similarly, there are many challenges in the derivative market, such as unaccounted OTC Trading volume and opaque risk measurement, counterparty risk and credit risk. There is a need to adopt the blockchain technology to find the solution for the above challenges.

Solution offered

Global Risk Exchange (GRE) is the company offering blockchain solution for trading risks for individuals and institutions. They are providing tools for management of risks based on blockchain technology. Smart contract based risk hedging and transaction takes place on the platform. The marketplace will be created for the individuals and institutions, who can sell their risks to the willing buyers.

The three kind of entities are present on the platform; insured, insurer and designer. The insured category consists of people who pay the premium and sells the risks on the marketplace. The second category is the insurer who is willing to buy the risks and accepting the premium. The designers or contract designers is the one who measures individual risks and designs the contracts.

Risk exchange market will be decentralized and wisdom of the crowd will be the judge of the future of the platform. The blockchain technology provides complete democratization of the insurance industry and risk management of contract design is the choice of the crowd.

There are multiple benefits of the platform, such as Maximizing order efficiency and removing information asymmetry, market-based risk assessment, and pricing, Eliminating third parties and intermediaries. The GRE Foundation is an independent body which oversees the technical development of the platform. RISK Token is being utilized on the platform for a variety of purposes, such as for transactions and settlements.

ICO Information

10 billion RISK Tokens are created for the project in which 40% is reserved for the token sale. The Token sale is currently live on the platform. Funds will be utilized for the development and marketing of the platform. The team working on the project has years of experience in the blockchain technology and web development.


The decisions we make financially is also filled with many risks. But, that is the part of the equation. Because there are no rewards without risk. For managing risks in our life, we utilize the insurance products. These acts as a life saviour in many difficult situations of our life. The individual investors lean on the insurance products while institutional investors find derivatives market to be suitable to cover their risks.

Trading risks for people will be decentralized and much easier to record with the application of blockchain technology. The application will be beneficial for insurance as well as the derivate market.

The risk is an innate part of the financial life. People who are capable of managing risks with the help of tools present on the platform will be the winner in the future. The future is the blockchain technology and decentralization. What do you think about the services offered by the platform? Are we ready to trade our risks.


2018 Q1

GRE Core Development

iOS & Android App

2018 Q2

HI Editor

Mobile Wallet

Public Chain

Oracle, Reality Keys

2018 Q3

Alpha Version

Migration to Public Chain

Finish Public Chain


Security Audit

2018 Q4


KYC Development

GRE Go Online

2019 Q1

Secondary Market Editor

Secondary Market Content

Secondary Market Auditing


Alberto Pedro Gabriel-Advisor

Frank Desvignes-Founder & CEO of AXA Asia Innovation Lab.

Lorand Heissmann-Allianz China Operation Director.

Kazy Hata-Founder & CEO of justinCase

Li Jun-CEO of Caike Wallet

Paul Qi-Master of Actuarial Science at Boston University

Shen Bo-Founder of Fenbushi Capital Co-founder of BitShares

James Gong-Founder of ICOAGE

William Jin-Senior architecture

Angela Li-Master of Finance at Fudan University

Mara Wang-International MBA at NEOMA Business School.

Charles Huang-Morgan Stanley Asia Pacific Investment

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