FreeСХІД.ua#12 Quest “Being a resettler”, banking con artists and a new home of famous Gogolfest 

FreeСХІД.ua#12 Quest “Being a resettler”, banking con artists and a new home of famous Gogolfest 

Why do people play games? To entertain themselves, to get experience beyond everyday routine, or to test their own skillset in uncommon setting. But some games are intertwined with real life. And the cost of losing might be quite high. We hope that our readers will be better equipped as they come across this type of games.

So, let’s start our journey!


You decided to move from the occupied territories and become a resettler (IDP). But do you know how to do it with minimum losses? Your time, money and precious nerve cells – it all counts. Our colleagues from BirdInFlight created a quest game, allowing anyone experience what it’s like to be an IDP in Ukraine. Which means of transportation should you use to leave Donetsk, should you get IDP certification and how do you respond to rental refusal due to “Donbas folks” stigma? Try it yourself and make the correct choice!

Personal experience: One of the FreeDonbass team members, originally from Lugansk, played the game the same way he previously done it in real life. The result was considered positive: he spent lots of time and money, but the experience was not a complete nerve-wrack. So we wish the best luck to everyone playing the game or going through the troublesome quest in real-life!


One of the most humiliating procedures in the life of IDP is actual residence at the place of registration check. Those eligible for and willing to get state pension or other social paycheck from Ukrainian government are subject to such routine checks. But what should you do if you moved apartment? Or, if you were at work, while inspector came to visit? What are legal measures in response to inspector violating your rights? Find all the answers here.

Life hack from FreeDonbas: If you were not home during the check, you don’t need to provide excuse for your absence. Just visit your local Department of Labor and Social Protection in following few days - in person and with your documents - for verification purposes; that will be the end of your troubles.


Legendary mining city of Stakhanov (or Kadievka) is at its low these days. Economic downturn started long before the war, and turned worse in the recent years. There are too few jobs or anything at all. Despite promises made to the town residents, “LNR” militant group was unable to start local ferroalloy plant. And the car-building plant changed its specialty to… trash can manufacturing.

For details, please, check this photo-essay.


Walls at Maryupil are “speaking” with verses of famous Ukrainian poets. Photo-flashmob “Maryupil in text” reminded Ukraine that streets of this Donbas city speak poetry lines by Zhadan,  Symonenko, Stus, and Kostenko. The flashmob was started by organizers of “Maryupilska knyzhna toloka” book-fare as part of city ambiance study.

Internally displaced persons can enter contract with primary care physicians if they have IDP certificate. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Healthcare Pavlo Kovtoniuk.

Occupied Lugansk issued commemorative stamp set featuring… astronauts of Lugansk region! The stamps showcase images of Rivenky and Antratsyty natives – Georgiy Shonin and Vladimir Liakhov. Issue circulation - 6 000 copies.


A number of Facebook users paid notice to a message that PrivatBank is running an event that allows for closing dated bank loans and writing off huge amounts of credit. The message provides two wireless phone numbers and contact information for some “banking specialist Vladimir Aleksandrovich from Maryupil” (with no last name, though). This dubious ad first and foremost targets residents of occupied territories.

Is this true? Or, is there a chance of falling victim to con-artists?

The head of PrivatBank regional press-office Inna Muzychok denied this information:

"We discovered an ongoing generous offer from so called “bank officer” helping everyone to “write off” their debt. And it is posed as an official banking event, which is untrue. Please, warn your family and friends not to fall victims to this scheme. Remember, that you should never give your banking information to anyone, or have anything to do with this type of fraud".


Vlad TYSLENKO, Donetsk-Kyiv

Vlad Tyslenko was born in Donetsk. After graduating from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv he stayed in the capital. Vlad is a founder and a CEO of startup studio Concepter. One of the most successful gadgets developed by the enterprise is external flash for smartphones. The flash prototype collected $150 000 on Kickstarter in 2013 (asking bid $58 000), and the second model collected $250 000 in 2015 (asking bid $70 000).

When he is not working for Concepter, Vlad exercises for triathlon (swimming, running, biking).

In his interview Vlad shared a couple of life-hacks, helping him in both running IT enterprise, and his athletic endeavors:

- To work effectively you need to stick to a timeframe of under 4 hours per activity period. This way, two such time periods per day will allow an effective person to reach maximum productivity. That is my personal experience.  
- What does product launch look like? You have an idea that you need to create something. Than you make it, produce beta version, ask people if they need it. They tell you their opinion of the product. So you make an “alpha”, launch the product, invest in marketing. The product starts selling, so you invest in marketing some more, and launch it on the market. But then it turns out that the feedback you had previously received from people was spurious. People often tell you they need your product just to be polite.
- When I started running my maximalism kicked in: I didn’t like being slow or tired, or that I ran out of air. I wanted to run faster, longer distance. That’s how I stuck with running. Then I compared my speed with the speed of marathon athletes, and realized how huge the difference was.  So I decided to sign up for marathon event to improve on my skills. When I came back to Kyiv I ran a marathon, a triathlon, and now I am looking forward to Ironman.

Iryna SHCHERBAK, Donetsk-Kramatorsk

Less than a year ago a resettler from Donetsk Iryna Shcherbak opened her own studio-workshop in Kramatorsk. The studio makes bed linen and pillows for children.

Though the workshop operates for less than a year, the products are getting popular both in Ukraine and abroad.


Legendary and beloved by many Ukrainians GogolFest arts festival changed its location as it moved to Maryupil from Kyiv. April 27 to May 1 Vlad Troitski and his team will introduce his theatre, music, movie and visual art and literature format to Maryupil residents.

The festival will run at over 10 locations in the city center. Program showcases a large number of Vlad Troitsky projects, as well as performances under his patronage: "Sobacha budka", "Ale viter", opera-requiem IYOV. "Dakhabrakha" and Dakh Daughters will also perform at the event.

Among festival headliners are Swiss star-guests Kadebostany. The group plays electronic music, rep and alternative rock.

See you at Thursday!

#Yours Donetsk Press Club

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