Free Download Sharknado 4 The 4th Awakens

Free Download Sharknado 4 The 4th Awakens


Free Download Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens

It's been five years since the last Sharknado that devastated Washington, D.C. and the world is now benefiting from this hard-earned peace. Thankfully, Aston Reynolds' Astro-X tech company with their revolutionary atmosphere stabilisers called the Astro-Pods, has managed to eradicate all possible Sharknado formations before they could ever get the chance to grow in magnitude. However, while Fin is heading to Vegas for a family reunion, some fun and relaxation, in the meantime, menacing clouds are beginning to form, and a brand-new Sharknado is at hand. Under those circumstances, once again, Fin, his old friends and some new ones, will have to battle against threatening shark-infested cyclones, in a calamitous Sharknado extravaganza. Boy, are we in trouble or what?
Fin, his family and the cosmos have been blissfully sharknado-free in the five years since the most recent attack, but now sharks and tornadoes are being whipped up in unexpected ways and places.
The first two &#39;Sharknado&#39; movies were not great and had a lot wrong with them, but they were guilty pleasure fun as long as not taken seriously. &#39;Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!&#39; however was a let-down, it lacks the fun and charm of the first two as a result of being too self-aware and trying far too hard, really wanted to not take this seriously and view it as a guilty pleasure but it was just too amateurish and tired.<br/><br/>With &#39;Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens&#39;, the amateurish-ness and fatigue are multiplied and highly indicative of that despite starting off in guilty pleasure fashion the novelty has worn off and well thin now. The previous film may have lacked charm, fun and energy, though the fun came in occasionally, but &#39;Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens&#39; is completely devoid of all three and has so many other things wrong too. Even when one tries to take it for what it&#39;s trying to be, which it manages to fail at.<br/><br/>Ian Ziering is likable and charismatic in the lead role, he plays it straight but still looks like he&#39;s having fun with the role. There is some nice scenery, an energetic and eerie music score and some of the references are fun and inspired, when they aren&#39;t being over obvious or dumb.<br/><br/>Very little else works. Tara Reid continues to be unspeakably awful, her facial expressions look so expressionless and very forced in the few times she tries, her line delivery is mechanical and she constantly looks ill at ease. The dizzying amount of cameos and the quality of them are nowhere near as entertaining as in the first two outings, not just the too deadpan approach but also that they&#39;re poorly written and feel too random and brief. Some also downright irritating, especially Jedward whose &quot;annoying factor&quot; from their joke act &#39;X Factor&#39; days has not changed a bit. David Hasselhoff didn&#39;t seem comfortable and neither did Gary Busey.<br/><br/>Even for low-budget, &#39;Sharknado 4&#39; is very shoddy stuff. The scenery is pretty good but the film is shot in a very rushed-looking and drab way, editing is sloppy as well as choppy and the shark special effects are typical dreadfully artificial Asylum/SyFy fare. Regarding the shark attacks and death scenes (none being good enough to even reach &quot;reasonably fun&quot; level), that the sharks have little personality let alone menace hurts them and even more so the unintentional silliness comes at the expense of thrills and suspense, which are nowhere in sight, and gets tiresome. The film is directed flatly, the energy and enthusiasm in the pacing is missing and there are too many cardboard characters that are difficult to give a toss about. The first two films had some great funny lines, but the script here contains nothing remotely amusing or memorable and instead feels stale and tiresomely cheesy.<br/><br/>&#39;Sharknado 4&#39; is even more of a pale retread than the third film, with very little maintaining interest and instead having numerous scenes leading nowhere It&#39;s further not helped by trying too hard being dopey fun and in the process taking itself too seriously at times that any life is sucked out, then including new ideas, like the different kinds of &quot;nados&quot;, intended to be fresh but are just cheap and ridiculous.<br/><br/>Overall, a less than extravagant awakening and feels tired. 3/10 Bethany Cox
A study found that people who watch bad films on purpose is linked to being intellectual, so that&#39;s good to know, you&#39;d have to be a genius to understand how the makers can continue making these trashy movies, probably because of the buzz from social media, I just watched this fourth entry for fun, and as a critic. Basically it has been five years since the last sharknado that devastated Washington, D.C., Fin Shepard (Ian Ziering) has moved with his mother Raye (Cheryl Tiegs) and young son Gil (twins Christopher and Nicholas Shone) to a farm in Kansas, while April Wexler (Tara Reid) is thought to be dead, after being crushed by space shuttle wreckage. Tech mogul Aston Reynolds (Tommy Davidson) owns the company Astro-X, who have developed high-speed space travel, which was used to rescue Fin&#39;s father Colonel Gilbert Shepard (David Hasselhoff) from the moon, they have also developed technology capable of using radio waves to diffuse tornadoes, leading to the end of the sharknado phenomenon. In Las Vegas, Reynolds has built and opens a shark- themed hotel featuring a giant tank of sharks, a sandstorm tornado develops that cannot be diffused by Astro-X, the tornado sucks up the sharks, creating a new sharknado, the city is devastated, but Fin is there with his cousin Gemini (Masiela Lusha), his son Matt (Cody Linley) and Matt&#39;s fiancée Gabrielle (Imani Hakim) to work together and fight it. Following the new sharknado dispersing, Colonel Shepard is working with Astro-X, to help develop a weaponised mechanical suit, aided by his granddaughter Claudia (Ryan Newman) in San Francisco, as well as April&#39;s scientist father Wilford (Gary Busey), who has secretly brought April back to life, as a reconstructed cyborg. Fin, Gabrielle, Gemini and Matt on a train back to Kansas are forced to fight against a new sharknado forming and destroying the Hoover Dam, the Astro-X blowing up the Grand Canyon causes the tornado to suck up rocks, becoming a &quot;bouldernado&quot;. When the train reaches Arizona, Fin meets Reynolds to get a lowdown on the situation, then he and the gang grab chainsaws and construction gear to fight the tornado, which has hit an oil field, becoming an oilnado, and then igniting to become a &quot;firenado&quot;, meanwhile two other sharknadoes develop, one heading north of San Francisco to become a &quot;hailnado&quot;, the other near Yellowstone National Park and its volcano to become a &quot;lavanado&quot;. At the Kansas State Line, Gabrielle is killed by a tornado that picked up cows, a &quot;cownado&quot;, to Matt&#39;s devastation, meanwhile April ignores her father&#39;s objections to stab in the laboratory, and goes to reunite with her family, including young Gil who has never met her mother before, he shuns her. Reynolds informs the group that Astro-X may have a way to shut down the new tornadoes, it works to stop the hailnado and lavanado, but the cownado has evolved further into a &quot;lightningnado&quot;, and it gets worse when it strikes a nuclear power plant, turning it into a deadly &quot;nukenado&quot; with radioactive sharks. Using Colonel Shepard&#39;s mechanical suit, they must remove the radioactivity by drawing massive amounts of water into it, so they use the water of Niagara Falls, Reynolds appears to fall to his death helping to set off the device they need, and Colonel Shepard is swallowed by a shark before he can put on the suit on. Fin puts on the suit, and April with her robotic abilities assists, Claudia and Matt are also swallowed by sharks, the device is set, but Fin is electrocuted, the nukenado is neutralised back into a sharknado, and the storm is destroyed by the Astro-X technicians. Gil gets his own small chainsaw to cut open the sharks, Colonel Shepard, Matt and Claudia are all alive, and April and the Colonel use improvised CPR to revive an unconscious Fin. Gil finally accepts April as his mother, but before they can celebrate the end of the sharknadoes, the Eiffel Tower has been blown all the way from France and falls from the sky, they realise the tornadoes are now a global problem. Also starring Duane &#39;Dog&#39; Chapman as Chop Top, Anthony C. Ferrante (also directing) as Fenwick, Aladdin&#39;s Gilbert Gottfried as Ron McDonald, Steve Guttenberg as Colton, Wayne Newton, Al Roker, Scott &#39;Carrot Top&#39; Thompson as Driver and The X Factor&#39;s Jedward (John and Edward Grimes) as Astro- X Techs. The acting in it is pointless mentioning, well known faces not taking themselves seriously in a dumb project, like the other three films it is deliberately trashy and absurd, the special effects are cheap and unconvincing, I may have tittered a little because of some deliberate obvious spoof references, e.g. Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Wizard of Oz, and of course how ridiculous and idiotic it is, another sequel not to bother with, an unintelligent science-fiction horror. Poor!


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