Free Download Outlaws

Free Download Outlaws


Free Download Outlaws

Five cowboys are sent forward in time from 1899 to 1986, where they start their own detective agency.
Sometime during the 19th century, Sheriff Grail was chasing a gang of bank robbers when they were all accidentally thrown forward in time to the year 1986. Realizing they need to work together to survive (and perhaps to find a way home), the good guy and the bad guys team up to open their own private-detective agency to fight crime. Maggie was their neighbor and police contact.
This was one of those great shows that burned like a shooting star. I really enjoyed it especially for the fact that it combined three different genres; westerns, detective shows and science fiction. All the characters really stood out especially Charles Napier as the eccentric Wolf. Too bad this show didn't stay on long enough to catch on. This was a really good show.
This show was a guilty pleasure of mine. It was really stupid on the surface, but it was so campy it was hilarious. My only regret is I didn't tape all the episodes.


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