Free Download Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Free Download Mobile Suit Gundam Wing


Free Download Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

In the future, humanity has constructed several space colonies. But the corrupt Treize and his organization Oz have manipulated the United Earth Sphere Alliance into controlling earth and its colonies with an iron fist. To counteract this extreme measure, rebel colonies launch Operation: Meteor; an attempt to smuggle Mobile Suits made of Gundanium alloy to earth to combat the corruption and free earth and the colonies from Oz's control. One of these "Gundams" is piloted by Heero Yuy, who is shot down and is forced to blend in to enemy society. Now up against social issues with a girl named Relena and Oz and its puppets, Heero must unite with other rebels and save his people.
A squadron of giant robot pilots of a beleaguered Earth colony bring the war to their oppressive home planet.
Gundam Wing is an amazing show from start to finish, every single episode is a joy to watch. The story is typical Gundam fare, in the future Earth&#39;s populations grows to the extent where we create space colonies in order to expand. The story though is set in an entirely different reality than any other Gundam show. It is the year After Colony 195 and the corrupt Earth government, known as the Earth Sphere Alliance, is violently taking over the free colonies. To combat the Alliance control and the even greater threat that is to come (an evil militaristic organization hiding within the Alliance known as OZ, which later takes control of Earth and the colonies), select members of the colonies send 5 super powerful mechs to Earth to try and save the colonies from the threat that is to soon come. These mechs, known as Gundams, fight OZ and try to regain peace in the colonies as OZ takes the front-stage, completely eliminating the Alliance and taking control of Earth and its colonies.<br/><br/>Gundam Wing as I previously stated, is probably the most enjoyable Gundam series to watch in my opinion. A large part of this reason is the difference between this series and any other Gundam series before it, but also the stories are far more deep and intricate than majority of the other Gundam series. Gundam Wing has more depth and emotion to it than any other Gundam show I have ever seen thus far. This particular series seemed to focus more on character and the relationships amongst those characters than epic space battle. Now don&#39;t get me wrong, this show still has many epic battles within it, and the show still maintains the epic atmosphere that other Gundam series have, but it achieves this by having the story follow an ensemble cast of 6 or 7 characters as opposed to following just 1.<br/><br/>No matter how you look at it this is truly one of the most unique and enjoyable Gundam series out there, and I strongly recommend it to any fan of anime, or sci-fi in general. The show sports some amazing animation and superb action, but the depth and intricacy of the story is what keeps you coming back for more. The characters are so well drawn out by the end of the show that you end up loving each and every one of them. This show is definitely one that shouldn&#39;t be missed.<br/><br/>A perfect 10/10!
When I first saw the adds for this show, I remembered thinking it looked like a cross between &#39;Ronin Warriors&#39; and &#39;Voltron&#39;, because those were really the only two similar things that were airing on American TV at the time. <br/><br/>It turned out to be like something I&#39;d never seen before, but I later found out it was something the Japanese had been seeing for decades. Five children are trained to be expert pilots by a group of rebel space colonies, and then sent to topple the Earth Government using giant robots called &#39;Gundams&#39;. <br/><br/>This show was much more mature than anything else on Toonami at the time, with a great deal of each episode devoted to character development, and a very complex plot involving future politics. I didn&#39;t see every episode, but what I saw, I liked. <br/><br/>That&#39;s not to say that the show was perfect, it definitely had some problems. Not the least of which was the abundance of &#39;angsty&#39; characters. Of the five Gundam Pilots, three of them were quiet, anti-social mopers (Heero, Wu-Fei, Trowa) and one was &#39;the sensitive guy&#39; (Quatre) leaving only the fifth Gundam pilot Duo to inject some much needed life into the &#39;Gundam Club&#39;. <br/><br/>The bad guys were actually more likable, and their motivations were a little more understandable. A group of aristocratic soldiers called &#39;Oz&#39;, they were focused on returning power back to the individual countries of Earth, rather than just blowing things up. And unlike the Gundam pilots, members of OZ actually showed remorse after killing someone. Sympathetic villains, almost a first for Cartoon Network&#39;s Toonami block.<br/><br/>While the hero characters of most other Gundam series were a little more heroic and a little less wishy washy, this was all we had back in early 2000s America. <br/><br/>As a great action show with plenty of character and philosophy thrown in, Gundam Wing certainly stands the test of time, just don&#39;t expect to root for the good guys.


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