Foreign Exchange Sex Story

Foreign Exchange Sex Story

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Foreign Exchange Ch. 01
A Japanese exchange student craves the company of a MILF.
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"Prepare yourselves, Robert, Nicky- he'll arrive anytime soon." She grinned, staring at the airport terminal intently, holding a sign reading 'Sousuke- welcome home' which she had designed with colourful markers the night before. To say Julia was excited was an understatement- she had wanted to take part of this exchange program for years now, and they were finally going to have their very own Japanese student living in their home. She had gotten an information pamphlet about the Japanese culture as well as Sousuke and his family, telling her he was an intelligent and kind man from a pretty wealthy family in Japan, who expected the best care for their son. The program tried to match socioeconomic status and family background the best they could so the kids would feel comfortable, meaning the Baker family weren't too far off from wealth as well. Julia had made and saved her model's salary for years now, as per Robert's financial advice, and as a university professor at an ivy league university, Robert made plenty for the family to go on. Now, as a retired model, Julia worked as a swimming instructor, priding herself on teaching little kidlings the best posture to keep afloat for longest.
Personally, she believed she was excellent with kids, and she loved it way more than her previous model career. The girls always asked her for advice on how to take care of themselves and be as pretty as her and the boys loved asking her to help them with their techniques as she held onto their young torsos and adjusted their positions against her body.
To say Julia was stunning was an understatement. As soon as she hit puberty and started growing her enormous F-sized breasts, her life was never the same. She was immediately recruited to model with a famous swimming-suit company as well as model underwear and lingerie, and she made so much money she barely cared about her education anymore. She had beautiful long black locks that were wavy from her curling it every morning, and it fell at her back, almost never tied up unless she was teaching a class. She had glittering bedroom eyes that were sienna brown and shifted with the morning sun and with sweeping eyelashes. She had plucked eyebrows and a creamy smooth skin, which she loved to tan during the summer as she lounged at the backyard pool. She had an oval face and sharp cheekbones and cute dimples on her cheek when she laughed, which was something Robert had originally fallen in love with. Her nose was dainty and her lips were constantly full and glossy with lipgloss, something that made guys constantly stare at her lips and wonder what they would taste like. Despite all these perfect features, it was typically her body that got people's attention. She was curvy and had the perfect hourglass figure, her heavy set contrasted with her stomach, which was slightly muscular from how often she exercised. Her ass curved out as dramatically as her breasts, and jiggled slightly as she walked around in her tight pants during the summer when she washed her car. Julia knew she was beautiful, every person around her knew as well, but she didn't think about it much. She was a faithful wife and a loving mother, and that's all she thought of herself. Her modeling days were over, and so was her obsession with looking her best all the time. All she wanted now was a quiet life and for her son to get into a top University- that was all.
Now, her focus was making the Japanese student that would be living in her house for a year feel the most at home, and she grabbed the sign eagerly, looking around to see if she could spot what he looked like. "Mom. You need to calm down." It was her son, Nicholas Baker. He had the usual traits of a teenage boy going through puberty- he was bratty at times, but was raised well, and respected both his mother and father tremendously. He spent his afternoons after school smoking weed and chatting with his friends as they played video games, but the intelligence he got from his father made him intelligent without having to study much. He was a slim boy, tall with sandy hair that curved and covered most of his face and a narrow long face. He wore thick glasses, giving him a slightly nerdy appearance- as evident by his love of star wars and dungeons and dragons, which was something his mom tried hard to talk to him about but never understood. From what she could tell from his actions, he never had a constant girlfriend, but did go on a few first dates and went to a few school dances with girls. She was glad he received some kind of interest from girls, but liked that he wasn't going out on dates too- she wouldn't want to lose her little boy!
"Come on. Don't pretend you're not excited too." She replied, looking around more, raising her head a bit to look past the people who didn't look like Sousuke's picture.
"No. I'm really not. Why would I want another teenage boy at my house?" He grumbled.
"Nicky, I expect you to be polite and treat him like one of your friends. He's going to be so nervous being away from home like this! Imagine if you were going the same thing as him- wouldn't you be scared, too?" She asked, giving him her usual mom-stare.
He sighed, "Okay. Okay I'll be nice to him."
Robert was at the side, taking a call with the Dean of Science who was giving him a lecture about how difficult he'd been marking the past assignments he had asked the kids to write. He was frustrated and speaking sternly back at him, completely unaware of their conversation. Robert specialized in microbiology, and taught first years as well as seniors in more advanced subjects. He was in his late 40's and the perfect father. He taught his son everything he knew and they spent a lot of time together, making wooden projects and fixing up the house. Nicholas idolized him and wanted to be a biologist like him one day. Robert was incomparable to Julia in appearance, but they had met when they were 15 and stuck with each other, both loving each other's companies too much to look for anyone else. He loved how whimsical and happy she was all the time, and she loved that he was smarter than her, and could educate her on things she didn't know about. He had the same sandy hair as his son, though he was balding slightly on top of his head. He gelled it every day for work, and wore thick black glasses just like his son, though the lenses were a bit thicker from the years of staring at textbooks. He had cute dimples as well when he smiled, but he hadn't much for a couple of years, his years of work putting a lot of stress on him. His rough hands gripped the phone tight as he paced around, talking to his boss about how much he disagreed with him about babying the students. His thin and lanky body leaning against the wall once in a while as he spoke in a serious tone.
He gripped it for a second, "Hold on, John." He stared at Julia, "Is he really not here yet? It's been an hour."
"Be patient, Robby." She was getting frustrated by the two boys. Why did they want to come along if they were just going to complain the whole time??
Finally, she saw someone exit that seemed like he could be Sousuke. "Sousuke!" She called out loudly. People around her stared at her loud shouting.
"Mom... Shush." Nicholas grumbled, crossing his arms and pretending he didn't know her.
The Japanese boy's eyes lit up as he saw his name. He approached them, stopping in his tracks in front of the family and bowing deeply, "Hello. My name is Sousuke, nice to meet you. Are you Julia?" As he stood up straight again from his bow, his eyes widened significantly. He couldn't believe the goddess that was standing in front of him. She was by far the most beautiful he's ever seen in his life. He had spent lots of years looking at porn of caucasion women, but even the professional actresses and porn stars couldn't compare to her beauty. Her long locks seemed to shimmer under the airport's fluorescent lights, and she was perfect from head to toe. From the tip of her nose all the way to her long manicured nails, she had no blemishes, though the only thing in Sousuke's vision was her gigantic breasts, which showed off beautifully in her tight top. He felt like he could fit his entire arm in her cleavage and still have room. He shivered as he thought of how warm and tight it would be in there. He wanted to just jump on her immediately, shove his face on her cleavage and stay there for the rest of his life.
"Hello? Sousuke?" Julia asked, her head tilting to the side, "Did you hear me?"
He shook his head, realizing he had been standing there deep in his own thoughts for the last few seconds. "Yes, Mrs. Baker. Nice to meet you." He glanced at Robert, who was still on his phone deep in thought. He couldn't believe a guy like him could score a woman like her. He would rate her a 10/10, no, a 15/10, and him a 4/10 generously. He was long and lanky, had no muscle on him, and his bald spot was disturbing. And their son- who was staring at him in complete contempt at the moment- had the worst of the traits. He got everything from his father, and none of his mother's good looks. The only thing he had going for him that was similar to his mother was his long lashes and button nose, everything else- as lanky and nerdy as his father. This woman did not deserve these two men.
"Oh, you don't have to call me Mrs. Baker, Julia would do. Please, treat me like your own mother when you're here." Julia was pleasantly surprised by how fluent the boy was in English- it seemed his education from tutors in Japan really did him well, and she could barely tell his accent apart from their own, the only difference was from his polite mannerisms, which was dramatically different from their American culture. She also thought he was quite a cute little boy. He was in the same grade as her son, the last year of high school, but they looked quite different from each other. He was quite androgeous in appearance, his fluttering lashes and large curious eyes did wonders for his face. He had jet black hair that swept over his eyes, very similar to the Japanese popstars back home. He had a piercing on one ear, showing off a simple black thud, and a choker on his neck, black and thin. He had full lips as well, and was average in height, wearing a simple white shirt and skinny jeans, showing off his thin and frail figure. His family had spoilt him tremendously in Japan, and not only did he have tutors for many subjects, he also had a karate coach and nutrition specialist that made sure he was getting the healthiest diet possible. He looked quite different from her own son, despite being the same age.
"I will, thank you." He bowed deeply again, almost hitting her breasts when he got back up. She giggled loudly at his actions.
"Mom, can we go now?" Nicholas asked, watching the exchange impatiently.
"Say hi to your new brother first." She scolded.
"Hi." Nicholas said, not looking at Sousuke at all.
"Hi." He replied, smiling at him in a very friendly manner.
"It seems your dad is still busy on the phone. Okay, let's go to the supermarket first and see what Sousuke wants to eat for dinner."
"I thought you were making my favourite meatloaf!" Nicholas complained, pushing the luggage cart that Julia pushed onto him- telling him that Sousuke was too tired to carry his own.
"He might not be used to meatloaf, baby. You need to be kind to our guest. Life will be different with a new family member now." She replied knowingly.
"I'm okay with anything, Julia." Sousuke said, loving how much she was reprimanding her own son. He grinned at Nicholas behind her back- who stared back at him, wondering what he meant by that evil-looking smile. He thought he probably imagined it.
"No, no. I want you to feel comfortable. Robert's really busy today, so we'll drop him off first and the three of us can go to the supermarket and you can pick out anything you want okay?" She unlocked the door, and Robert nodded at Sousuke as he started driving the car, his phone now on bluetooth.
The car ride was filled with Julia asking Sousuke as many questions as she could think of. From what differences he could already see with American vs. Japanese culture, what he was worried about in terms of moving to a foreign place, what it's like at home- everything about his friends, his family, what he liked to do for fun. Sousuke answered as pleasantly as possible, telling her all about his life at home and how he was familiar with American culture due to watching a lot of TV shows and movies in his free time, which helped a lot with his English. She was excited to learn all about him, and was happy that he was eager to share as well. Nicholas had his headphones in his ears the whole time, completely ignoring the two of them. And Robert was too busy calling different people to give them the time of day.
When they finally arrived home, Julia told Soksuke they would give him a proper tour afterwards, and that they would hurry to the supermarket before they closed for the day. She insisted that Nicholas went with them to show Sosuke all the good American snacks, but he insisted he had homework to do and would stay at home. She then forced him to bring Sousuke's luggage in for him, which he grumbled under his breath about but helped anyway.
"Okay, let's go. It's not a long drive, so you can rest when you get home." She said to Sousuke as he nodded back to her, getting into the front passenger seat now next to her.
"Thank you ma'am." He replied. "I'm not too tired though, it's a 12 hour time difference, after all, and I'm used to long flights."
"Oh here you go calling me ma'am again!" She giggled, blushing slightly as she made a left turn. "Don't be so formal, treat me like your mom back home."
He grinned at her, "If you say so."
She pulled into the parking lot, and they walked to the supermarket together, Sousuke trailing behind to look at her swaying behind. He shook his head, not understanding how this woman could be treated as such by these two men, she deserved so much better. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her during his year in America, he decided. Everytime he set his eyes on her, he loved her more and she appeared even more beautiful- if that was even possible. He couldn't wait to take some pictures when she wasn't looking and send them to his friends back home.
"Please, ask me if you have any questions about our weird American food and put in the cart whatever you want to eat."
He nodded, looking eagerly from left to right, "Wow, it looks just like the movies I watch." He didn't put much in the cart, despite her insisting. Just a few pieces of fruit, soya milk, and some rice.
"American food is very unhealthy. Full of carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, and most people just buy frozen food to cook for their kids- fries, chicken wings. The Japanese culture is very insistent on taking care of one another through food, and the care you put into the preparation and cooking of the food. It's not about the speed, but about the process." He explained.
She stared at him in awe, "Wow, you seem really knowledgeable and mature about these concepts."
"I am a very mature man, Julia." He said seriously, staring at her deep in her eyes. She blushed again, giggling away as she reached up to a high shelf to grab some pasta. She was clumsy, and a few boxes of pasta fell on her. Through his karate background, he moved fast, and caught her immediately, moving her aside so the boxes would fall on the ground instead. His hand was placed on her waist, firm fingers that grasped her tightly, not letting her go. He blushed furiously, confused that such a beautiful American woman could be in his arms just like that, but also couldn't stop himself from holding onto her and touching her as much as he possibly could.
"Oh dear, sorry about that." She said, looking back at him. His body was pressed behind hers, and she could feel his physique through the shirts separating them. She felt extremely embarrassed.
"Don't worry about it." He said, "Though I'm worried that you'll hurt yourself, Julia." He said honestly, blinking at her a few times innocently.
"Oh you don't have to worry about that. I'm usually not that clumsy, just taken aback by what you said about the Japanese culture." She explained.
He kept his fingers pressed on her waist though, and as she started moving, he followed her, his hand still placed there. She tried to move quickly so he would let go, but he followed her without a problem, and smiled up at her as she walked. It was really weird behaviour, but she dismissed it- it must have been a difference in culture he didn't understand, and she wasn't the type to call anyone out for behaviour that didn't have a malicious intent. She let him rest his hands on her waist, guiding her around so she wouldn't get hurt again at the supermarket. When they were at the cashier, she was distracted, and he traced small little circles around her waist with his thumb, trailing around her sensitive hips over and over again and moving up and down slightly. She felt herself shiver slightly at the subtle touches, and looked down to look at him. He wasn't looking at her, focusing on the tray of gum layed out beside the cashier. She dismissed this action again, thinking he was just out of focus and twiddling his fingers without realizing he was doing it.
He finally let go of her when they exited the store, and thanked her for taking the time to bring her to the supermarket. "Oh don't worry about it, anytime you need something, let me know. Robert can also bring you as well, and Nicholas has his license already, though I still don't think he's a very good driver." She laughed out loud.
When they finally arrived home, Sousuke took the time to look around, first at the outer appearance of the 2-floor 4-bedroom house with white brick walls and the typical tiled American roof then at the amazingly decorated garden outside with hundreds of types of flowers, which he assumed the Bakers had someone do for them- there was no way the goddess did all this herself. Inside, there we
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