Final Jeopardy Movie In Hindi Hd Free Download

Final Jeopardy Movie In Hindi Hd Free Download


Final Jeopardy Movie In Hindi Hd Free Download

A small-town couple find themselves stranded in an unfamiliar, and unfriendly, big city. Weaving in and out of the proceedings are a bunch of murderous criminals with names like DOA, Ice and Slash. The couple are in for a night that they won't forget.
Have just watched. Mainly &#39;cos of the acting, this sucks: Thomas&#39;s character comes over as slightly unhinged - though I don&#39;t think it was intended - cos he over-acts, just like the clichéd thugs so often portrayed in American movies of the 80s, which it feels very much of. Crosby is fine but has little to do other than accompany Thomas: she doesn&#39;t seem engaged with the movie as there was little for her to do; she seems one-dimensional.<br/><br/>Thomas&#39;s character comes over as a bit of a &#39;dick&#39;: he&#39;s meant to convey small-town naivety, per plot, but just seems gauche and foolish, such as the scene where he jumps in front of a truck, waving madly, to stop it for a lift... and just stands there, about to be mowed-down. Implausible. If I were Crosby I&#39;d be leaving him to his fate!<br/><br/>Something to watch when doing the ironing, then - certainly not to look out for!
Have you ever drove by an accident on the freeway or seen something like a train wreck and, even though you knew you didn&#39;t want to see what was there, you just couldn&#39;t help but look?<br/><br/>That is exactly what watching this film was like. I was watching a decent movie on a tape when this no name flick came on afterward. The first 1/4 of the movie had been taped over, but I still got to see almost all of it. Poor me. I wanted to scream. I wanted to gouge my eyeballs out. It is absolutely horrible. I don&#39;t think there is a word in the English language to describe the utter disaster that is this movie.<br/><br/>The over-acting is enough to make you want to die. The down-right bad acting doesn&#39;t help. But the real kicker is the fact that the plot has more holes than Iraq has sand. It&#39;s just unreal. From the classic &quot;girl-falls-down-and-twists-ankle-during-the-escape&quot; scenario to 1950s-style-greasers-as-street-hoods(an all white NY street gang in 1985 to boot) to an unlimited amount of just plain sloppy make-up and wardrobe goofs, this one has it all folks. If I were an actor, director, producer, writer, or even just a stuntman or grip, I would petition to have my name removed from this films credits.<br/><br/>Please don&#39;t watch this movie. It will truly scar you for life.


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