Filipina Teen Pussy

Filipina Teen Pussy


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Filipina Pinays - So many beautiful girls in the Philippines
The day starts off waking up from a dream with a beautiful Filipina Pinay. Those are best are they not? But even better when you wake up to reality knowing that you're in the Philippines. After that I realize how tired I am and then a Filipino man comes to my door trying to sell me religion, I think.

I eat some breakfast with no Filipina Pinay by my side (how sad) and then head out. A nice, sunny day in the Philippines. Off to the gym, ready for badminton.

I reach the gym and give my typical "secret" to the Filipina Pinay at the desk. I lift some weights and then head over to the badminton courts to find my Filipino challenger.

It was destruction to say the least. We played 11 or 12 games. Then I head off to Robinson's Mall. As usual. Always some cute Filipina Pinays walking around this magnificent structure. I finish that up and run into that motorbike kid (yet again) outside the mall. Are you stalking me?

Back to the mall again - ahh, more Filipina Pinays. I'm going to see the new Super 8 movie. I run across a Jollibee sign for their new fries. Yummy? I buy some ultimate trash food for the movie. Including some Milky Nuts. Yes, that's the real name.

Beautiful Almond Eyes - Post 1 give 2 "EYES"
View allAll Photos Tagged pinay sexy
Brand new from Haute Pinay from designer Laveau Jones (aka Laveau Copperfield-Coen):
sizing: maitreya (shown), freya and hourglass
This is the ultimate sexy summer mini dress! Add this beautiful piece to your summer SL wardrobe!
Coming to Haute Pinay Marketplace soon! Stay tuned!
Brand new release from Haute Pinay by my sister and designer Laveau Jones (Laveau Copperfield-Coen).
This absolutely sexy outfit that will carry you into the summer months.
Includes open-front dress and coordinating thongs
sizing: maitreya (shown), freya, hourglass
As usual, I am always the prettier one. Right?
Even among the Salonga family, I am still the prettiest.
Having a good meal with my Japanese friends.
Look! I am a tourist in Singapore. This is where I met my boyfriend.
Meet Cristine... one of the gorgeous and sexy girls of AMS Turbo.
Such a beautiful body and soul... She's more than meets the eye... She has this warm radiance and personality that act like a magnet to everyone she meets... Super friendly, super kulit, super funny, and smiles a lot. It's such a great pleasure for any photographer to witness such extraordinary beauty. This is one photoshoot to be remembered by me. Thank you very much Cristine for the honor not just by taking your photograph but knowing you. You gave full justice to the concept with your extreme talent and humble heart. I'll see you again soon.
My very special thank you the General Manager of AMS Turbo (Service+Tuning): Dennis T. Sebastian. Denz, super thanks to you for giving us the opportunity to make this dream concept a reality. For helping us a lot and for your very warm hospitality. And above all, for the friendship that was borne with it. We are all so lucky to know you. You share the same passion to help that we have. You are one chosen few. Thank you thank you. And thank you very much also to your business partner/friend BASH... one great guy to know. Super cool. Hahaha. :)
Special thank you also goes to all your staffs in the shop. Very helpful, friendly, and customer-oriented.
To Jonah, super thank you... without you, this wouldn't be a great experience. You're SUPER!!! Kindly send my special thank you to your assistant also. :)
To Rhoel, super thank you for all the help. You never stop supporting and believing in me. :)
To my super friends/fellow photographers: Mitch & Ches, guys... you're simply the BEST!!! You knew what I meant... more fun, love, and amazing experiences ahead to all of us. Cheers and congratulations!!!
A very special thank you also to Shin Karami of Arya Persian Restaurant for providing us his Mustang Car for the shoot. It's an honor to meet you Shin. You're one cool guy. Let's do another one very very soon.
These photos are the initial shots for the group album. More to be added here soon.
Makeup & Hairstyle: Jonah Samillano
No. 102 Shaw Blvd. Kapitolyo, Pasig City
Mobile Nos.: +639178123141 / +639228283232
Unit L-9 Promenade Mall, Greenhills, San Juan, M.M.
Branch @ 2nd Level Midtown Robinsons Plance Manila
For reservations and inquiries: 727.5062 / 994.4879
PORTRAITS & PLACES : The Northern Exposure!
Landscape and Portraiture Photo Adventure
It's my birthday cake. But it's too fattening for me. He he he.
It's been over two months since Tonya and I shot together. She's working two jobs and going to college. This was sooooo last minute, but this being our fourth shoot together we pretty much know how to "get in" and "get out."
Me and my cousins. Do I look the prettiest among them all?
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SmugMug+Flickr. Connecting people through photography.

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