File mtime

File mtime

File mtime

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File mtime

On windows file mtime can set the system time to any arbitrary future date, and any new files you created or edited will automatically change to that future date. I ran into this with Apache on Windows XP. Данная функция возвращает время последней записи блоков файла, иначе говоря, изменения содержания файла. While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our. You MAY want to use filectime - that looks at when the file was last changed on YOUR file system. In such a case, the server HTTP response contains no Last-Modified header, but file mtime is a Location header indicating where to find the file. This method can be used for obtaining metainformation about the entity implied by the request without transferring the entity-body itself. On the Windows system filectime returns the creation time. Замечание: Результаты этой функции кэшируются.

Also file removal will update the timestamp of a directory. А так конечно намного быстрее. Данная функция возвращает время последней записи блоков файла, иначе говоря, изменения содержания файла. You could rename it every time you edit it, but that would be a pain in the ass.

Я по понятным причинам не буду здесь рассматривать приемы file mtime awk кода — расскажу только про один важный для нас прием. You could rename it every time you edit it, but that would be a pain in the ass. Привет всему сообществу Хабра. Also file removal will update the timestamp of a directory. All stat -related commands will exhibit the same behavior. On windows you can set the system time to any arbitrary future date, and any new files you created or edited will automatically change to that future date.

File mtime

Syntax filemtime filename Parameter Description filename Required. The modifications just have to happen within less than a second. А так конечно намного быстрее. А find удобен именно для того, чтобы перебирать файлы из конкретного участка дерева и с ними что-нибудь делать.

On windows you can set the system time to any arbitrary future date, and any new files you created or edited will automatically change to that future date. You MAY want to use filectime - that looks at when the file was last changed on YOUR file system.

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