Fetishism Symbol

Fetishism Symbol


Ориентировочное время чтения: 8 мин
The term "fetish" has evolved from an idiom used to describe a type of object created in the interaction between European travelers and Africans in the early modern period to an analytical term that played a central role in the perception and study of non-Western art in general and African art in particular.

William Pietz, who, in 1994, conducted …
The term "fetish" has evolved from an idiom used to describe a type of object created in the interaction between European travelers and Africans in the early modern period to an analytical term that played a central role in the perception and study of non-Western art in general and African art in particular.

William Pietz, who, in 1994, conducted an extensive ethno-historical study of the fetish, argues that the term originated in the coast of West Africa during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Pietz distinguishes between, on the one hand, actual African objects that may be called fetishes in Europe, together with the indigenous theories of them, and on the other hand, "fetish", an idea, and an idea of a kind of object, to which the term above applies.

According to Pietz, the post-colonial concept of "fetish" emerged from the encounter between Europeans and Africans in a very specific historical context and in response to African material culture.

He begins his thesis with an introduction to the complex history of the word:

My argument, then, is that the fetish could originate only in conjunction with the emergent articulation of the ideology of the commodity form that defined itself within and against the social values and religious ideologies of two radically different types of noncapitalist society, as they encountered each other in an ongoing cross-cultural situation. This process is indicated in the history of the word itself as it developed from the late medieval Portuguese feitiço, to the sixteenth-century pidgin Fetisso on the African coast, to various northern European versions of the word via the 1602 text of the Dutchman Pieter de Marees... The fetish, then, not only originated from, but remains specific to, the problem of the social value of material objects as revealed in situations formed by the encounter of radically heterogeneous social systems, and a study of the history of the idea of the fetish may be guided by identifying those themes that persist throughout the various discourses and disciplines that have appropriated the term.

Stallybrass concludes that "Pietz shows that the fetish as a concept was elaborated to demonize the supposedly arbitrary attachment of West Africans to material objects. The European subject was constituted in opposition to a demonized fetishism, through the disavowal of the object."
Перевести · Fetishism, the veneration of objects believed to have magical or supernatural potency, springs from the association of spirits with particular places or things and leads to idolatry, in which the image is viewed as the symbol …
Перевести · Description of fetishism symbol Name Date Class ANSWER KEY Symbols and Their Belief Systems Match each symbol to the belief system it represents. Shintoism Hinduism Buddhism Islam Fetishism …
Перевести · APL Symbol Fetishism. ... There were more APL symbols than spots on the typeball, so you’d back up and hit another key. That’s how they came up with ⌹ for matrix inverse. It’s a box around a division sign…
Фетишизм — религиозное поклонение неодушевлённым материальным предметам — фетишам, которым приписываются сверхъестественные свойства, получившее распространение у первобытных племён. По мнению некоторых учёных, религиозный фетишизм существует в современном мире в виде почитания мощей в христианстве и буддизме, и исламе — почитание Чёрного камня.
Sandro Chignola, „Fetishism with the Norm“ and Symbols of Politics. Eric Voegelin between Sociology and “Rechtswissenschaft” (1924-1938)
social exchange of sign values, showing how objects are fetishised in ostentation. This paper argues that while Baudrillard breaks with the realism characteristic of Marx's and Freud's analyses of fetishism…
Перевести · 02.11.2017 · Fetishism, The Study Of Religion, And The Colonial Imagination (Roger Green) …
Ориентировочное время чтения: 9 мин
In Karl Marx's critique of political economy, commodity fetishism is the perception of certain relationships (especially production and exchange) not as relationships among people, but as social relationships among things (the money and commodities exchanged in market trade). As a form of reification, commodity fetishism perceives economic valueas something that arises from and resides …
In Karl Marx's critique of political economy, commodity fetishism is the perception of certain relationships (especially production and exchange) not as relationships among people, but as social relationships among things (the money and commodities exchanged in market trade). As a form of reification, commodity fetishism perceives economic value as something that arises from and resides within the commodity goods themselves, and not from the series of interpersonal relations that produce the commodity and evolve its value.

The theory of commodity fetishism is presented in the first chapter of Das Kapital (English: Capital. Critique of Political Economy) (1867), at the conclusion of the analysis of the value-form of commodities, to explain that the social organization of labor is mediated through market exchange, the buying and the selling of commodities (goods and services). Hence, in a capitalist society, social relations between people—who makes what, who works for whom, the production-time for a commodity, et cetera—are perceived as social relations among objects; depending on the social function of the exchange, objects acquire a certain form (for example, if the function is to render possible exchange, the object acquires value; if its function is one of hiring a worker, then the object becomes capital). On the market, the commodities of each individual producer appear in a depersonalized form as separate exemplars of a given type of commodity regardless of who produced them, or where, or in which specific conditions, thus obscuring the social relations of production.

Marx explained the sociological concept underlying commodity fetishism thus:

As against this, the commodity-form, and the value-relation of the products of labour within which it appears, have absolutely no connection with the physical nature of the commodity and the material relations arising out of this. It is nothing but the definite social relation between men themselves which assumes here, for them, the fantastic form of a relation between things. In order, therefore, to find an analogy we must take flight into the misty realm of religion. There the products of the human brain appear as autonomous figures endowed with a life of their own, which enter into relations both with each other and with the human race. So it is in the world of commodities with the products of men's hands. I call this the fetishism which attaches itself to the products of labour as soon as they are produced as commodities, and is therefore inseparable from the production of commodities.
Перевести · It follows from the above that fetishism is a sign of narcissistic pathology, with mental operations functioning at a very archaic level, …
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Name Date Class ANSWER KEY Symbols and Their Belief Systems Match each symbol to the belief system it represents. Shintoism Hinduism Buddhism Islam Fetishism Bahaiism Christianity Taoism Judaism Jainism Neopaganism Sikhism Free Printables for K-12 ...Read More Name Date Class ANSWER KEY Symbols and Their Belief Systems Match each symbol to the belief system it represents. Shintoism Hinduism Buddhism Islam Fetishism Bahaiism Christianity Taoism Judaism Jainism Neopaganism Sikhism Free Printables for K-12 Education www. Name Date Class ANSWER KEY Symbols and Their Belief Systems Match each symbol to the belief system it represents. Shintoism Hinduism Buddhism Islam...
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Translator: Andrea McDonough Reviewer: Jessica Ruby In all times and places in our history, human beings have wondered, "Where did we come from? What's our place in the world? What happens to us after we die?" Religions are systems of belief that have developed and evolved over time in response to these and other eternal mysteries, driven by the feeling that some questions can only be answered by faith and based on an intuition that there is something greater than ourselves, a higher power we must answer to, or some source we all spring from and to which we must return. Hinduism means the religions of India. It's not a single religion but rather a variety of related beliefs and spiritual practices. It dates back five millennia to the time of Krishna, a man of such virtue that he became known as an avatar of Vishnu, an incarnation of the god in human form. He taught that all life follows karma, the law of cause and effect, and our job is to do our duty, or dharma, according to our place in society without worrying how things turn out. When we die, we are reincarnated into a new body. If we followed our dharma and did our proper duty in our past life, we get good karma, which sends our soul upward in the social scale. Our rebirth into the next life is thus determined by what we do in this one. The wheel of rebirths is called samsara. It's possible for a very holy person to lead a life with enough good karma to escape the wheel. This escape is called moksha. Hinduism teaches that everything is one. The whole universe is one transcendent reality called Brahman, and there's just one Brahman but many gods within it, and their roles, aspects, and forms differ according to various traditions. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver who sometimes takes on human form, and Shiva is the transformer, or Lord of the Dance. Durga is the fiercely protective divine mother. Ganesha has an elephant head and is the wise patron of success. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. And although most Hindus live in India, they can be found on every continent, one billion strong. Now, let's travel west, across deserts and mountains to the fertile crescent about 4,000 years ago. Judaism began with God calling Abraham and Sarah to leave Mesopotamia and migrate to the land of Canaan. In return for their faith in the one true God, a revolutionary concept in the polytheistic world of that time, they would have land and many descendants. From this promise came the land of Israel and the chosen people, but staying in that land and keeping those people together was going to be very difficult. The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, but God freed them with the help of the prophet Moses, who received the Ten Commandments and later hundreds more. They conquered the Promised Land, but could only keep it for a few hundred years. Israel sits at a crossroads through which many armies marched over the centuries. And in the year 70, the Romans...
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Fetish | Encyclopedia.com
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