Femdom City Mantis 0.1 Porno Game

Femdom City Mantis 0.1 Porno Game


“Femdom City M.A.N.T.I.S. is the reboot of the old Femdom City, featuring a new User Interface and Core Mechanics, as well as a new Graphic Style that allows for more scenes. The rest still remains and the story picks up right where the old story left! The game features a lot of animations plus the focus of Female Domination Fetish plus optional Futanari Domination!”

Femdom City is divided in Downtown, Uptown and the Middletown District. There are also some rural locations like the Farm outside of the city. Downtown is a more rough and grungy place. The women and mistresses of uptown usually look down on that southern part of Femdom City, but lately more and more tourists come to Downtown to experience femdom in a darkest, rawest form. The girls of downtown on the other hand hate people from Uptown for their arrogance and believe that almost all women from the nothern part of Femdom City are rather selfish.

Different fractions are now trying to gain more influence over the City. A street gang in downtown has teamed up with the Futanari, a group of powerful tall females that have both male and female genitals. Together they run large parts of Downtown. The police keeps the focus on Uptown and the Middletown District, where big companies like FemmeCorp and The Rubberfactory run the show and official buildings like the administration and the school are located.
There are many other fractions that don’t fall in any category. The Church of Kink for example, a group of dominant nuns that are living under their own commandments. Or mayor Beatrix de Jaager and her government that has recently adopted some very strange laws to ensure female supremacy in Femdom City. She seems to have big plans. Maybe you can uncover the secrets and find out more about her and the mysterious organisation called MANTIS.
A large part of the males protested against the government, back in the days when Femdom City was still called Femdale City and these protests went wild. Parts of the city were destroyed because of these riots and the old mayor had to resign. Beatrix de Jaager took over and passed new laws in order to get control over the situation, most of them allowed the military and the police to take any action necessary to get men under control.

Most males can’t even remember how they got to Femdom City, if they were a part of the riots or not. It seems like most of them can’t remember anything of the riots or their life before.
Males aren’t allowed to cross the border of Femdom City unless they have a valid ID Card, official travel papers and can prove to own a reasonable amount of money. And most men don’t even know how to get one of these things.
The male tax in Femdom City is abnormally high and usually keeps them from saving up some money. Due to a new law, men now have to pay the tax every 10 days instead of every month! That means that males have to work almost every minute that they are not sleeping. It’s tough, but the alternative is being sent to prison or the asylum, or being sold in order to be able to pay the debts.
You are one of these males, trying to survive in this city that is so hostile towards you that every day is a challenge. How did it get this far? Was Femdom City always the place that it is now? Will you manage to escape the city or will you find a mistress that will treat you right? Will you uncover the secret places of Femdom City and maybe manage to make a rather decent living as a submissive male / slave?
Find out now! This game is in a very early stage, but there is already a lot of content to enjoy. Please support my work and help me to make Femdom City M.A.N.T.I.S. the biggest Femdom themed game ever made!
Femdom City MANTIS will be an ongoing project of creating the biggest femdom game there ever was. The project has just started, the first playable version is out now and can be played. More updates and information will be released time after time on patreon, but the game will become available for free. Patreon Supporters will get the newest updates for the game earlier.

Ara, l’únic límit és la vostra imaginació.
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Any: 2021
Versió: versió 0.6.2
Gènere: protagonista masculí, Dominació sensual, burla i negació, Strap-On, assotar, BDSM, tortura, esclavitud, submissió, fetitxe de peus, culte oral
Plataforma: Pc Game / Windows
Censura: no
Idioma: Anglès
Femdom City és un lloc fictici dirigit per un govern autocràtic, on les dones són superiors als homes inferiors.
Els mascles d’aquest lloc semblen una mica més petits de l’habitual i tenen menys músculs. La llei prohibeix als homes assumir feines d’alta qualitat, per això solen assumir feines que serveixen a les dones per poder pagar els impostos més elevats per als homes.
Descarregueu gratuïtament aquest increïble joc porno. Femdom City MANTIS - Versió 0.6.2 és un joc gratuït per a adults que es pot descriure mitjançant les següents etiquetes: BDSM, esclavitud, fetitxisme del peu, protagonista masculí, Culte oral, Dominació sensual, Strap-On, Submissió, Burla i negació, tortura, Assots. La darrera actualització d’aquest contingut es va penjar el 14 de juliol de 2021, però estigueu atents i seguiu-nos per rebre totes les novetats i versions. També oferim actualitzacions de jocs d’alta qualitat cada dia, així que assegureu-vos de comprovar tots els nous jocs per a adults i jocs sexuals, descarregar-los i gaudir d’una experiència única. El nostre 3D Jocs per a adults Dur Jocs interactius Jocs nus ofereix una experiència increïble que fa que vulguis jugar i reproduir-les. Gaudeix d’aquest contingut gratuït per a adults i de la resta de porno d’alta qualitat a AdultGamesOn.
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