Female Sex Enhancement Cream

Female Sex Enhancement Cream


Medically reviewed by Raymond Radiguet M.D.
Lack of sexual desire among women is a rampant issue that has threatened to end many happy relationships. 
If you’re facing the same problem, then fear no more: we’ll introduce you to 5 of the best female libido enhancers on the market.
The 5 best libido enhancers that are working to increase sexual desire among women include:
Believe it or not, just like men, women can also suffer from a condition called female sexual dysfunction. It presents itself as a lack of sexual desire which affects many women at certain times in their lives.
This problem has been a bother to many women and their other halves, often causing depression for those who are affected.
Not anymore though! Female sexual dysfunction treatment is now available in the form of gels, pills, supplements and creams.
Female enhancement gels are either silicone-, oil-, or water-based. They are applied directly to the genitals to increase the desire for sex. 
Using the gels is super easy. You simply need to massage it under the clitoris hood. 
While massaging, the ingredients in the gel penetrate the vaginal tissues to provide lubrication. This stimulates the genitals, hence increasing blood flow. 
Once the blood flow to the genitals is elevated, the woman becomes sexually aroused, allowing her to enjoy those intimate moments.
The benefits of female arousal gels are diverse. Some of them include:
All talk aside, we’ll now introduce you to five products that are saviors to the dying female sexual life.
Just like the name suggests, this product will make you scream with pleasure during intercourse and will successfully do away with low sexual libido.
This female enhancement cream is a treatment for female sexual dysfunction. It combines both prescription and non-prescription ingredients known as blood flow enhancers and vasodilators.
It has five different components: four vasodilators and one bronchodilator. It consists of L-arginine, sildenafil-citrate, pentoxifylline, elgoroid mesylate, and aminophylline.
These ingredients work together to increase libido and intensify sensation in the genitals, ultimately leading to sexual arousal and multiple orgasms for women. 
Scream Cream is manufactured by Nuimage Medical. It’s made up of different components that work effectively to enhance your sexual libido. 
Using this product gives you maximum arousal to stimulate intense orgasms and result in true sexual satisfaction. The product comes with a range of benefits, including:
Scream Cream is transdermal, meaning that the ingredients don’t enter the bloodstream when the product is used. It contains bronchodilators and vasodilators that help to relax the body muscles.
Once applied, the cream opens up blood vessels, dilating them, causing an improvement in blood flow throughout the body. The ingredients in Scream Cream ensure increased sexual desire in women.
The sexual arousal it elicits improves sensations during intercourse and increases the chance of climax, making it the perfect topical cream for orgasms.
Scream Cream contains prescription and non-prescription ingredients, and it’s only prescribed by a compounding pharmacy. Nuimage is one such place.
Have your doctor prescribe you the suitable dosage and tell you how to use and apply the vaginal cream for sexual arousal. You need to have a doctor’s prescription to obtain this product because it is a compounded medication.
Women have a lot going on in their lives. There’s the possibility of pregnancy, childbearing, post-pregnancy, menopause, stress, monthly menstruation… and that’s just to name a few.
All of these can result in hormonal imbalances, which in turn deprive the woman of one of the best pleasures in life – the intimate moments with the love of her life.
Provestra is an all-natural female enhancement supplement that increases sexual desire. It is made from the best quality ingredients and adheres to the highest pharmaceutical safety standards.
Provera uses cGMP certified pharmaceutical manufacturers that are also used by Walmart, Rite Aid, Safe Way, and other retailers selling life-changing drugs. 
It’s a formulation of high-quality natural herbs, aphrodisiacs and nutrients, all of which help to balance out the hormones.
Some of the ingredients found in Provestra pills are L-Arginine, Theobromine, Indole-3-Carbinol, Ginger root, Ginkgo Biloba, Damiana leaf, Ginseng root, and more.  
If you didn’t know already, these are some of the best ingredients for boosting your mood, increasing blood flow around the body, causing sexual excitement and introducing other benefits to your sex life.
According to its manufacturer, Provestra is 100% safe and the supplement is endorsed by doctors to:
Most women are affected by hormonal imbalances at least once in their lifetime, and this often deeply impacts their sex life. 
There are different causes of hormonal imbalances, including:
Provestra works by correcting hormonal imbalances that affect libido, helping you to restore an active sex life.
The presence of various vitamins and nutritive supplements within the pill help the body to obtain nutrients that it may be lacking due to a poor diet. 
After just seven days of taking Provestra, you’ll notice an increase in libido, energy, sexual fantasies and sexual arousal.
By taking one Provestra pill daily for 30 days, you’ll notice an increase in lubrication, sexual appetite, and enhanced sensations.
Convinced that this is the best product for you? What are you waiting for? 
According to several studies, many women begin to lose their sexual desire as they get older, even before reaching the menopause. They view sex as more of an obligation than a pleasure and may start coming up with excuses to avoid it.
The good news to these women is that there’s hope for a new life full of intimacy. Tiredness and headaches no longer need to be used as excuses, as Vigorelle puts you right in the mood for sex.
Vigorelle is an all-natural libido enhancement cream for women by Leading Edge Health. It’s a topical cream that increases sexual arousal and acts as a lubricant for those who experience vaginal dryness.
According to Leading Edge Health, Vigorelle is the perfect solution for women who want to bring intimacy back into their lives. It helps by:
The application of Vigorelle increases blood flow to the vagina and dilates blood vessels in the clitoris, thus intensifying sensations. 
Foreplay activities and sexual stimulation through touching and rubbing the clitoris accelerate the pleasure.
To avoid getting a counterfeit product, we recommend buying Vigorelle from their official website. 
Vigorelle is not expensive at all, and you can choose a subscription that is suited to your preference – either monthly or yearly. You’ll also be treated with bonus gifts and awesome discounts every time you make a purchase.
When sexual desire, arousal and satisfaction no longer come as easily as they used to, it’s time to look to Zestra for support.
Zestra is a hormone-free sexual arousal oil for women, made by Innovus Pharma. The arousal gel increases both sexual desire and sensitivity. 
This topical arousal oil is clinically proven to bring back the zest for sex.
Zestra’s manufacturer, InnovusPharma, claims that this product increases sexual pleasure for women. 
Zestra Essential Arousal Oil has recommendations from qualified doctors and other female healthcare specialists. It’s hormone-free and contains no parabens.
The product is clinically proven to do its job effectively and it’s entirely safe to use. It’s applied topically, making it ideal for those who don’t like taking pills.
Zestra is a blend of botanical oils and extracts, and there have been no reports of bad interactions with other drugs or medications so far.
The success of Zestra can be attributed to its combination of powerful natural ingredients, such as borage seed oil, angelica root extract, ascorbyl palmitate, evening primrose oil, and dl-alpha-tocopherol.
Within just 5 minutes after its application, Zestra gets to work by increasing sensitivity to the touch. This ensures sensations are deep and pleasurable, causing greater sexual satisfaction.
It gives a warm, tingly feeling after being applied – a feeling that Innovus Pharma fondly refers to as the “Zestra Rush.”
You can purchase Zestra online from the official website, as well as from some selected retail pharmacy stores, such as Amazon, supercenter stores, Meijer stores, etc.
Pressure from work and everyday stress can rob you of the joys of life… and of good sex. To reignite the fire in the bedroom, just pop a pill of HerSolution.
Hormonal imbalances after pregnancy, during menses and menopause, and as a result of diet deficiency can take its toll on your libido.
HerSolution is your go-to pill that is easy to use and comes with a promise of efficiency. This herbal supplement is doctor-approved and enhances sexual arousal in women. 
Leading Edge Health has formulated this 100% natural libido booster to enable you to enjoy your sex life once again.
HerSolution works in natural ways to boost the female sex drive. It is a natural lubricator that eliminates vaginal dryness – a common cause of pain during intercourse – leaving you with nothing but sexual enjoyment.
The product works by intensifying sexual excitement and producing a warm, tingly feeling of anticipation. It lubricates the vagina to guarantee you maximum pleasure all the way up until climax.
It’s 100% doctor endorsed, with no unpleasant side effects. Produced by a cGMP pharmaceutical grade manufacturer, it’s certainly deserving of your trust.
HerSolution is a blend of natural herbs, aphrodisiacs and nutrients, including niacin, hops extract, mucuna pruriens, gingko biloba, epimedium sagitattum, and cayenne pepper.
These ingredients work miracles for women who take the pill, coming with a variety of benefits:
HerSolution cuts out the middleman by selling the product directly through the official website at very affordable prices.
You can get a budget-friendly monthly supply, or order a bulk purchase for as little as $36.66 per month.
If you’re not satisfied after 60 days of using HerSolution, return the empty container. There’s a 100% money back guarantee (excluding shipping fee).
Apart from deciding from the list above, you should opt for branded products when choosing the best libido enhancers on the market. Brands never lie and will always give you top-quality products.

If you’re buying for the first time, scroll through their websites and read the testimonials to find out how other users feel about the product. The price should also be on the list of things to look for when making a decision.
They are specifically designed for women. However, those lactating and/or pregnant should refrain from using them. This is because no studies have been conducted to determine that these products are completely safe for such individuals.
With most of these products, you’ll experience arousal within a few minutes of applying them. Some can take up to 30 minutes after application. In order for their full effect to be activated, foreplay, touch and rubbing of the genitals are required.
Even if you’ve never experienced an orgasm before, you can have one with the help of these products. They cause the blood vessels to dilate, relaxing the tissues and making them sensitive to the touch.

The ingredients are potent enough to cause frequent contractions of muscles, making orgasms much more achievable.
Sexual arousal will occur from the first day of use. For changes such as increased energy, regular periods, reduced cramping and hot flushes, and fewer mood swings, it will take at least 30 days for a noticeable change.
Yes, you can. The creams contain safe, all-natural products that are often used in dietary supplements. This makes them safe to ingest.
Yes, they’re safe to use. The products contain natural products that are clinically proven to work safely and effectively. They also have the approval of doctors and other women’s healthcare professionals.
There are a few mild side effects with products like Scream Cream but no adverse effects, as most of them comprise of natural, herbal extracts.

You should, however, exercise caution if you’re allergic to any of the components. Talk to your doctor if you’re taking medication or suffer from any severe conditions before using these products.
Creams like Zestra are safe to use as they are paraben-free. However, don’t use them if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients.
Avoid using the creams if you have a yeast infection – you’ll need to get medication for this first before applying the product.
Sexual enhancement creams are made up of different natural ingredients that perform various tasks in the body.
Their different functions, among others, include improving blood flow, increasing sexual desire, boosting mood, increasing oxygen and balancing hormones.
You should look for ingredients such as L-arginine, zinc, iron, tribulus terrestris, maca, ginger roots, folic acid, vitamins, aloe vera, peppermint leaf and suma root.
The list of ingredients goes on, but just ensure that the product you’re buying consists of natural substances that have no side effects.
Many of these products you’ll be applying around the genitals, so you need to be very careful about what you use and the ingredients that they contain. Stay away from anything that could cause irritation.

If you buy a product that has hidden drugs in its ingredients list, this should be a red flag. These may be harmful to you, even if you do not see any immediate reaction.
If you’re not happy after using any one of these products, you can always return the empty containers and benefit from a money-back guarantee (excludes shipping fees). Each product has its own returns policy, so read that for further details.
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Enhance Cream is a lightweight, easy-to-apply topical cream that increases blood flow in the clitoris for ultimate stimulation and sensitivity. The key ingredient Sildenafil (generic Viagra) boosts arousal and the ability to reach the peak of climax—again and again.
Doctor prescribed | Cancel anytime
* Prescription products require an online medical visit to determine if medication is right for you. You will only be billed if approved.
Not only do orgasms enhance your sexual experience, research has linked them to reduced stress, curbed appetite, boosted hormone levels and better sleep. Yet during intercourse, most women orgasm less than 50% of the time. Use Enhance Cream to change this staggering statistic.
Its powerful combination of ingredients relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to erogenous areas, stimulating physical arousal, lubrication and sensitivity. Plus, with added Oxytocin (the "bonding hormone"), you'll feel closer to your partner each time you connect. Amplify your private life, feel empowered, and never fake it again.
Enhance Cream should be applied directly to the clitoris approximately 30 minutes prior to sexual activity. Effects can be felt immediately, and typically last for up to 2 hours after initial application.
This FDA-approved drug can curb arousal disorders in women, increasing libido and driving blood flow to enhance stimulation.
This important amino acid helps your body produce proteins—and because it increases blood flow, L-Arginine can improve cardio and immune functions as well as arousal in women.
Known as the “bonding hormone,” Oxytocin triggers calm and connectedness—feelings that can help you relax and help you reach orgasm.
Typically produced by the adrenal gland, this hormone is FDA-approved to treat vaginal dryness and discomfort. It helps decrease feelings of anxiety, as well as, improve overall sexual satisfaction.
This natural oil instantly stimulates mucous membranes, for added sensation with a cool, calming scent and sensation.

Women experiencing symptoms of female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) — specifically, a lack of genital arousal, fullness and swelling — or do not have a desire for sexual intimacy with their partner. Symptoms may be the result of a psychological lack of arousal or may be the side effect of medication such as antidepressants. Enhance Cream is typically effective for women who, previously, had normal sexual arousal and now struggle with consistent or occasional lack of arousal.
Women who are experiencing painful sex, have been told not to engage in sexual activity by a doctor or specialist and those with chronic conditions such as endometriosis or vaginal or pelvic irradiation should consult with their physician or gynecologist before using Enhance Cream. Women with abnormal vaginal ana
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