Female Chastity Belt Bdsm

Female Chastity Belt Bdsm


Fancy Steel FSF-001 Female Chastity Belt Review
Kitty Denied gives quite the detailed review on Fancy Steel's main Female Chastity Belt, the FSF-001, which brings a refreshing modern take on chastity belt design.
Female chastity is one of my main fetishes. There's nothing that puts me into a submissive mindset quicker than being locked in a chastity belt unable to touch myself. The belt makes me feel helpless, look sad and maybe even look a little guilty since it’s clear that I cannot be trusted to stop playing with my pussy for any reasonable length of time. When the belt is locked on, there's an adjustment period and I spend some time I fidgeting with the thick metal, and looking uncomfortable while I try to reconcile my most slutty thoughts with the knowledge that an orgasm is no longer an option. After a while, it sinks in that my pussy is the property of Sir and my pleasure is at his mercy if not completely ignored. At that point, I easily accept that his needs come first, and he becomes the focus of my existence for whatever length of time he desires.
To sum it up, being denied the pleasure I so desperately crave gives me motivation to eagerly serve Sir with a hopeful attitude that if I behave perfectly and keep him pleased, maybe I will be released. In our dynamic, life is not fair for sluts, so I get nothing in return for my service. This leaves me with the fear of being left belted after he’s done using me, so it’s in my best interest to keep him happy so the act of removing my belt when he’s done is not a hassle to him.
If there's one thing I’ve learned from the internet, it’s that everybody loves seeing a submissive girl securely locked away in a chastity belt, but finding a real life chastity girl is like finding a unicorn (and converting a girl without the fetish into a girl that has the fetish seems to be difficult as well). There are far more men that fantasize about girls in chastity than there are real life chastity girls. This creates a lot of ideas about how female chastity works, with very little real life testing being done.
When I started to open up to Sir about my curiosity about chastity belts we did some research but ran into a lot of difficulty finding any real life experiences (this was partly the reason for starting my own blog) Before making any major decisions we experimented with an all leather chastity belt from JT stockroom. The leather belt gave me a good sense of how it feels to have my pussy covered in a way that prevents touching and greatly reduces the likelihood of sneaking a cum. I liked the way the belt looked and it’s quite comfortable to wear. It could be concealed under clothing, but I can’t say that I ever really wore it out of the house. It kept plugs in place and definitely made it more of a hassle to try to touch my pussy or otherwise focus on my own greedy needs.
It wasn’t long before I quickly figured out ways to “defeat” the belt and figure out a way to cum by pressing on the outside and grinding against my hand. I was able to get just enough clit stimulation along with the knowledge of how desperate I must look... so slutty and willing to do anything for some pussy attention... that I was able to cum. So, From then on, Sir added a little spike ball that I half inserted into my pussy as a deterrent to any kind of humping. This evil little thing deserves its own article, but it was quite effective at eliminating any plans I had to sneak unapproved cums.
That said, the overall experience was positive and it made me more curious to try a metal belt so I would recommend this as a great place to start. The comfort of the leather makes it easy to wear, easy to size correctly and a little less scary for those not wanting go all in and get metal right away.
Leather belt: JT Stockroom, and purple spike ball
As far as care goes for the leather belt- it’s going to need frequent cleaning and obvi can’t be worn 24/7 . I clean it with saddle soap, and then use a conditioner on the outside, and mink oil on the inner part to waterproof it a little… it gets pretty messy in there hehehe. I think the most important thing with this belt is making sure its on tight.. And that’s pretty easy to do.
To help me get an idea of what metal locked onto my pussy would feel like without spending a lot of money, we made a DIY chain chastity belt. We got some chain and padlocks from the hardware store and experimented with ways to lock the chains on. For noticeable down sides the raw chain pinches at times and requires adjustment to get the exact fit. In general it requires some creativity to make it look “neat” if there are extra links after you get it on tight. The padlocks can be a little annoying if they don’t lay right and can be uncomfortable if worn for too long. I was also able to experiment with plugs and it held them in well.
Overall, the chain belt is a cheap experiment, so it’s totally worth the 15 or 20 bucks it cost to try. It prevents penetration, but I found that I was able to find a way to get to my clit through the links, so we had to improvise with various toys to discourage or prevent that. Anything spikey on my pussy will stop me from trying to touch or hump the chain so Sir found me a spiked sheath to add on there, and that did the trick.
After playing with the leather belt and DIY chain belt we decided I was ready to try a real chastity belt like the ones you see in porn. I made the mistake of thinking that I could save some money and buy a cheap chinese belt and it would be just as good as an expensive custom belt. Wow, What a mistake that was. The whole experience nearly turned me off to the whole idea of chastity. In general the belt wasn’t comfortable to wear. I had trouble getting a good fit because the poor quality of materials used to make the belt. Although decently adjustable it was impossible to wear tight enough to be effective but still be reasonably comfortable as the super thin metal was not something that you want on suuuper tight.
The lining would never stay on longer than a few minutes at a time, and when it came off you could feel it right away because the metal was so thin and sharp. This was really frustrating for me and took me out of my submissive headspace every time I had to stop and fix something. In the end, the only solution was to put electrical tape on it which made it closer to useable, but sad to look at. I had issues with the other features of the belt as well... the plugs it came with kept sliding off the flimsy “track” that held them in place, so I was always a little worried I’d end up in the emergency room explaining that I lost something up my butt. And finally, all the nuts and screws that held it together were TINY. I think I had to use the screwdriver from an eyeglasses kit to get them screwed in tight, and they always seemed to come loose. Looking back, I suppose I could have used some thread locker on them, but meh… the whole thing was held together with electrical tape, so losing a few screws wasn't going to hurt anything.
After a lot of drama, and we decided it was time to invest in a high-end custom belt. There are a few different choices out there when it comes to chastity belt makers so it took a good deal of time to sort out who I wanted to buy from. We researched, My-Steel, Neo Steel, Cararra, and Fancy Steel. There are literally no female reviews out there, so that made it even more difficult to get a good sense of which belt was going to be right for me. I was prepared to spend a good amount of money so I wasn’t as concerned about the cost as I was about the reliability and reputation of the maker. I even tried to contact a couple real life chastity girls to ask their opinion, but they never answered me.
I found My-Steel and Neo Steel to have a very similar and “classic” chastity belt look. They seemed to be the names that came up most often when searching for a belt, so I at least knew they weren’t a scam (even though their websites are a little outdated looking). Cararra had some really fancy and ornate belts that I loved, but I had a hard time getting the maker to answer any emails, and it seemed that you might have to wait a full year to get the belt. Fancy Steel had a unique look and adjustable design that I immediately loved, so I admit I was pretty sold on them as soon as I saw the site. I sent an email with a couple questions and got a fast response from the maker which is always a good sign, so that’s how I ultimately became a Fancy Steel girl.
I have a bunch of different Fancy Steel chastity belts, but when I’m looking to have some chastity belt fun, my go-to belt is the Fancy Steel FSF-001 with the combo shield. This is my favorite belt for so many reasons. I like the more classic style metal waist band because it gives me that inescapable bondage-y feeling that I love, and sits on my waist at the perfect spot. I wear mine really tight on my natural waist. I like the way it exaggerates my hip bones and the fact that it cannot come off for any reason. The waist belt is made of thick steel, but bends enough to fit around your waist for a tight fit. The edges are slightly rounded making it possible to wear it without a lining. That being said, if you plan on wearing it super tight, or for an extended period of time, then I would recommend a lining.
The sides of the belt are flared for comfort. My belt has the optional O-rings added. They are attached with a hex screw from the inside, and occasionally need to be tightened. The rings make a fun, and secure anchor point for hands or to attach thigh bands to, not to mention the two toned gold/silver coloring adds to the ornate look of the belt. On my particular belt the O-Rings are set a little more forward than you will see on the fancy steel site. This is because my belt has been re-sized. Another fun fact about the waist belt is that each belt has its own ID plate with a unique number, and Fancy Steel Initials. I’m not actually sure what the numbers and letters mean, but I liked this detail because it makes the belt unique.
One thing I love about Fancy steel belts is that they don’t require a lining in order to wear them comfortably, which is a huge plus. Liners have pros and cons, but generally will require more maintenance than being lining free. Silicone lining can sometimes slip off, but one can shower in it. Neoprene has the most cushion, but can degrade over time. I never tried the neoprene lining so I can’t speak to its comfort, but it appears to be bolted on so there’s no concern about it falling off. The leather lining stays in place and gives some cushioning, but one doesn’t want to get it wet.
My favorite lining is the leather lining. I like that it’s firm and “snaps” in place making it easy to put on and take off. I wear the lining when I have the belt on super tight, and when I’m wearing it over my leather corset so I don’t damage the corset. I also have a pretty big leather fetish, so I love that I can incorporate that with my chastity fetish. You can’t shower with the leather lining, but it’s easy to remove, and you can shower without it. When I first got it, noticed that the black dye from the lining was coming off on my skin pretty bad so I sealed it with some matte Angelus Acrylic finisher and that definitely lessened the color transfer. As with any leather you will need to clean it occasionally with a little saddle soap and condition it to keep it looking nice. I use mink oil on mine to add a little water proofing. Mink oil oxidizes and hardens your leather over time which is fine in this scenario because the lining is firm to begin with.
When I first got my belt I had some super cute pink silicone lining for the edges. The lining stayed in place a lot better than the lining of a cheap chinese belt I had, but it would eventually slide off if I wore it for a long time. I’m sure there is some sort of glue that can hold it in place, but I didn’t care about that lining enough to really investigate it. Since the edges on the fancy steel belt are rolled, you will still be able to wear it. You may even prefer it without a lining. 
Fancy Steel’s unique cable design provides for more adjustability than a traditional style belt because you can position the shield higher or lower on the cable which allows you to wear the waist belt at different heights or even make it a hip belt. This adjustability helps to hone in a very tight fit, but you can still make it a little bigger when needed; for example if you’re wearing it over a corset or if you’re having weight fluctuations. When I got my belt I was 90lbs heavier, and I was able to keep the same belt for a long time before I absolutely needed to have it resized. The resizing process was super easy, and probably something that could be done locally by someone who’s handy with metal. I opted to send it back to fancy steel and they trimmed the waist belt and made the cables shorted for me. So, I still technically have my original belt that I started with, which I think is pretty cool.
I also like the minimalist/slimmer profile that the cable gives vs. a traditional style belt. My only concern with choosing the cable design was how stiff the cables would be, Ie: would I be able to just bend them and reach under the shield? I’m happy to report that if you have the belt on tight the cables do not bend in a way that allows me to reach under it and it’s very secure. I would say it’s just as secure as a traditional style belt. I like that it has a little bit of “give” for movement as well.
If you’re still concerned about the possibility of the cables bending you can buy the interconnecting link set that slides over the cables to make it stiff. I bought the links, but I honestly don’t notice a difference in security when using them. I had trouble with the links pinching in the middle and at the ends. You can minimize pinching by adding silicone tubing between the parts, and I suppose if really wanting the extra rigid front cable you could cover all the links with the tubing, but I have not tried this. The cables in general are pretty stiff to begin with so you really don’t need the links. I wear them as more of a fashion accessory vs a security enhancement.
The cable runs the length from the front of the belt through the shield to the tubes in the back where it is secured with a brass tension bar and hex screw. The cable is attached to the front of the belt using a plate with a post and is locked with a padlock. The ends of the cables are soldered into rounded tips making it easy to thread through the various connection points. I admit there is a little bit of a learning curve when you first get the belt as I had some difficulty threading the cables through the shield, but it’s not a deal breaker. I go from “wow, this is slightly annoying” to “fuck this shit- I quit” a LOT faster than most people so if I was able to make it work anyone can.
Until the cables are broken in you might find that a gardening glove and some pliers will save your hands from getting hurt while pushing the cable through the shield. I recall having hurt hands in the beginning, but after a lot of use, I have no difficulty switching out shields or re-sizing anything now. In retrospect you could use a light spray of lubrication to make the cables slide easier. With the combo shield specifically, I sometimes have some trouble getting the cable to thread through due to the split between the anal opening and the shield. They don’t line up perfectly, so I use the hex tool to offset the cable and it slides through easily. The nature of the design means the cable can stick out the sides of the belt in the back and that’s what allows for lots of room to adjust. If everything is sized right they shouldn't stick out at all, but as a backup plan, if they stick out too far it isn’t too unsightly, but you could probably fix them yourself if you’re a handy person and can cut it and solder the tips.
In general the cables are comfortable. You can easily wear the belt tightly for 1-2 hours and not have any trouble at all, but Sir wanted more thorough testing. I was tasked with wearing the belt for longer and longer periods of time to see if it’s even possible. After about 4 hours I noticed some points that could potentially get sore- specifically over my tailbone, and in the front where the cable inserts into the shield. As a solution, we started lining the cable with silicone tubing (Specifically: High Performance 8mm (5/16") Silicone Vacuum Hose Tube for a car), and that covers any pinch points where the shield and the cable meet. I was pleasantly surprised how comfortable the tubing makes the belt so I tend to keep the tubing on even if I’m just wearing it for a play session. I like the general look with the black tubing. It doesn’t look all janky like belts with electrical tape do. 
I also discovered that when I get the tubing length just right it takes a lot of guess work out of sizing the belt. I just line everything up and make it tight and I’m good to go. I have different lengths of tubing so I can quickly switch it out and re-size the belt to wear it tight under clothing, or to wear it over a corset.
There are several different shields to choose from for this belt, and they are all interchangeable. Personally, I like the combo shield the best. The combo shield has a dome shape that prevents any touching or penetration. It also prevents any vibrator use. The most distinctive feature is the rear opening that leaves my ass exposed and easily accessible for Sir’s needs. There are 2 parts: The primary shield- the flat piece with the long slit opening, and the secondary shield- the dome shape attached with screws over the primary shield. The Primary shield lays flat against the vagina and the open slot makes it possible to pee with the belt on, but prevents fingers from going in. I suppose technically it’s possible to slide a finger in as long as you’re willing to risk hurting your finger on the metal.
Depending on how tightly you wear the belt (and how wet you are), the flat primary shield will kinda force out some of the labia which can be fun for teasing, but I find it somewhat humiliating. It’s an odd feeling to have parts that are normally covered and protected be exposed like that. It’s a constant reminder that I’m a slut that definitely needs a chastity belt. If I try to slide a finger in the slot to touch my clit, I usually end up pinching my labia or hurting my fingers. 
The pee slot opening is lined up so the clit does not have anything to press against which will add to the frustration when the secondary shield is added. The secondary shield is the part that creates the “dome” shape of the shield. There's no possible way to sneak anything in there to get relief. No fingers, and definitely no vibrators. Using a vibrator at this point will literally feel like nothing. It doesn't even vibrate around the clit.
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Fancy Steel FSF-001 Female Chastity Belt Review ...
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