Family Incest Drama

Family Incest Drama


1.incest 2.affair 3.opposite sides (political parties) 4.illegal relationship (with a minor) 5. controversial relationships (LGBT, interracial)
NC-17 | 157 min | Drama, History, Romance
A female spy who is involved in the assassination of a political figure falls in love with her target.
R | 115 min | Biography, Drama, Romance
A rich Chinese man in his early thirties falls in love with a 15 year old French girl in 1929's French Indochina.
A middle-aged European professor becomes obsessed with his wife's teenage daughter.
A politician starts a relationship with his son's soon to be wife.
two best friends fall in love with each other's son
R | 130 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
two 'cowboys' fall in love with each other
R | 126 min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
In the 1950's two women have an affair
R | 103 min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
R | 110 min | Biography, Drama, Romance
a young boy falls in love with an older concentration camp guard
PG-13 | 100 min | Drama, Music, Romance
a young girl falls in love with her older dance teacher, despite her father's dissaproval
a rich girl falls in love with a poor guy, despite being engaged to a man from her social class.
a rich girl falls in love with a poor guy, despite being engaged to a man from her social class.
A married woman falls in love with a photographer she can never be with
Approved | 153 min | Crime, Drama, Musical
PG | 91 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance
A married man has an affair with the exchange student his family is hosting
a man falls in love with his best friend's girlfriend
PG-13 | 112 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance
R | 135 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance
a married couple searches for love outside their marriage
PG-13 | 105 min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance
R | 146 min | Drama, History, Romance
R | 120 min | Action, Drama, Mystery
father and daughter sleep together unaware that they're family
R | 124 min | Action, Drama, Romance
A Canadian officer marries a french spy
PG-13 | 93 min | Drama, Mystery, Romance
A love between a french villager and a german officer
A man has an affair with his brother's girlfriend
PG-13 | 111 min | Biography, Drama, History
a black king marries a british citizen
PG-13 | 123 min | Biography, Drama, Romance
A white man marries a black woman in the 1960s, when interracial marriage was still illegal
PG-13 | 105 min | Drama, History, War
An american falls in love with a Japanese woman
PG-13 | 111 min | Drama, Romance, Thriller
a woman falls in love with an escaped convict
A ail order bride falls in love with a photography on her trip to the US, where she will meet her husband
PG-13 | 112 min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance
An ageless woman falls in love with a charming man only to discover he's the son of her first love
PG-13 | 178 min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance
A prison guard falls in love with an inmate
PG-13 | 103 min | Biography, Drama, Romance
PG | 132 min | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
A woman falls in love with the family's robot
110 min | Biography, Drama, Romance
A prison director falls in love with an inmate
R | 102 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance
A teenage girl sleeps with her mother's boyfriend
Not Rated | 96 min | Crime, Drama, Romance
R | 119 min | Drama, History, Romance
Not Rated | 100 min | Drama, Thriller
Not Rated | 90 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance
an american veteran falls in love with an Iraqi, Muslim immigrant
In the 1950's, a white married woman falls for her black gardener
A jewish spy from Holland falls in love with a Nazi Captain
R | 96 min | Biography, Drama, Romance
Not Rated | 125 min | Biography, Drama, Romance

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Tragic Story of the Incest Father and Daughter
In 1995, a man named Steven Pladl (20 years old) first met a teenage girl, namely Alyssa Garcia (15 years old), through the internet. Three years later, Alyssa, who was pregnant with Steven’s child, has safely given birth to Denise's baby girl.
But as a father, Steven Padi shows no affection for his daughter. Instead, he behaves abusively. To make matters worse, Steven Pladl once put the baby Denise in the refrigerator so that the innocent child would cry.
Feeling economically unable to take care of Denise, Alyssa had to give up her little daughter to be adopted by another family when she was eight months old. After all, she worries about Denise’s future if she reflects on her husband’s inhuman behavior. Denise had been handed over to a married couple, Anthony and Kelly Fusco, to be their adopted children. Following that, the name Denise was changed to Katie Fusco. The couple raised Katie as a natural child. They normally live as a family and live in Dover, about 129 km from New York City.
Then Alyssa had two more children born in 2007 and 2012.
In 2016, when Denise was 18 years old, she was informed of her status as an adopted child. This prompted her to look for the whereabouts of her biological father and mother.
Tony and Kelly can't do anything. They thought Denise was mature to make life choices.
After thinking carefully, Katie has decided to move cities and live with his father and biological mother. This was the beginning of the disaster in Denise’s life.
According to Alyssa, Steven Steven Pladl’s behavior changed when he reunited with Denise. He looks like a person in love. He starts wearing skinny jeans and a tight shirt. Steven Pladl was even willing to shave his long beard.
This certainly upset Alyssa and sparked an argument between the two husbands and wives. Steven Pladl and Alyssa’s relationship got worse. Alyssa then decided to move in November 2016 with her other child. Steven and Alyssa share the custody of their two more children. Alyssa has long acknowledged that something was going on between Steven and Katie but can’t be sure to what extent the legitimate.
In mid-2017, Alyssa read the contents of her second child's diary, which told her about Steven and Katie’s incest relationship. Again surprisingly, Katie was already pregnant. In addition, the diary also contains an inscription saying Steven told his two children to think of Katie as a "stepmother" and not as a sister. Knowing about this forbidden relationship, Alyssa tried to report the cases to the police. However, not any arrests were made.
In July 2017, Steven Pladl finally married Denise just two months after his divorce decision from Alyssa. At the same time, the relationship case was still under police investigation.
Steven Pladl and Denise faked their blood relationship status from the marriage records. The marriage ceremony was attended by Steven's mother, and Katie adopted parents. Two months later, Katie gives birth to their child, who was named Bennet.
Steven and Katie’s happiness didn’t last forever after the police got an arrest warrant against them. So, they both ended up being arrested on charges of incest relationship. Although they’re released after that, Steven and Katie both received court orders so that they would no longer be in contact with each other.
Meanwhile, Bennet’s custody was given to Steven’s mother while Katie returns to live with her adoptive family has made the decision to cut ties with Steven.
What happened next was completely unexpected by anyone.
On April 11, 2018, Steven choked his own son to death in his anger and then left his body in the closet.
As if he wasn’t satisfied to take out his anger on poor Bennet, he immediately drove to New York, where Katie lives. Steven shoots Katie and Anthony dead, killing them both before turning the gun on himself and then took his own life.
We’ll probably never know what Steven Pladl had in mind at that moment. In a short time, he had the heart to kill the lives of four, including his own life and two of his children. The family he raised due to incest and illicit relationships ultimately resulted in deadly emotions and tragic death.
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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle.
Crimes, Mystery And History Around The World
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle.
Crimes, Mystery And History Around The World
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