Friends, do you know why our crazy world faced an epidemic season without influenza for the first time in the history of observations? 

Friends, do you know why our crazy world faced an epidemic season without influenza for the first time in the history of observations? 

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Criminals of all times and peoples in white coats all recorded in COVID-19, using falsifications and direct killings in hospitals. In the definition of COVID -19 used old fake tests, they were purchased by different countries of the world back in 2017. It was under specific codes that the tests were passed by customs 🛃 countries. Any goods passing customs leaves traces of 👣 in the form of a contract, customs declarations and the code of goods. We will raise the payment of taxes and find specific companies operator of imported goods. Let's get cancer all. Be afraid of the.

The world for the first time in the history of observations faced an epidemic season without influenza ! ? Is that like?

Falsifications in the history of the world 2020-2021 . A new course for prospective students.

There is no independent scientific study in the world to support the safety of vaccine adjuvants such as aluminium, mercury (timersole) and others, which is tantamount to human experimentation and runs counter to "informed consent", the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code. There are many studies showing the opposite, the dangers of these adjuvants. There are no studies in the United States comparing vaccinated people to unvaccinated. So far, more than $4.3 billion has been paid in vaccine damage/death claims, and the U.S. Supreme Court has even unequivocally declared that vaccines are "inevitably unsafe" products.

Nuremberg Code for human experiments:

1. Voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely necessary ... without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deception ... and must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the elements of the subject in question (warnings about the possible dangers of vaccine adjuvants) to enable him to make a meaningful and informed decision... all the inconveniences and dangers to be expected, as well as the consequences for his health or personality that may result from his participation...


5. No experiment should be conducted where there is prior reasons to believe that death or disability will occur...

8. During the experiment, the human subject should be free to stop the experiment if it has reached a physical or mental state in which the continuation of the experiment seems impossible to him.

"Trials of war criminals at the Nuremberg Military Tribunal under the control of Council Law No. 10," 2, p. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. government printing house, 1949.

Government experimented on population: Short 2-minute congressional hearings on Timerasole, used since the 1930s and never tested by U.S. medical institutions: video -

Human experiments that the U.S. government recognizes and for which it "apologized": "The secret history of U.S. government experiments on humans -

Nuremberg Code: Individual rights must come first

The process of doctors in Nuremberg is marked by the Nuremberg Code, about which Yale University law professor, physician and ethics expert Jay Katz said: "If not directly, at least implicitly, it is ordered that the principle of the development of science be subject to a higher principle: the protection of personal integrity. The rights of individuals to full self-determination and autonomy should come first. Scientific advances can be difficult and sometimes even impossible, but it is a price worth paying."

In another article, Dr. Katz wrote that the judges of the Nuremberg Tribunal, appalled by what they learned about fascist experiments in humans, "imagined a world in which free women and men, after careful explanation, could make their own good or bad decisions, but not decisions unknowingly imposed upon them by the power of the state, science or medicine." 

Bioethicist Arthur Kaplan agreed when he said: "The Nuremberg Code explicitly rejects the moral argument that the creation of benefits for many justifies the sacrifice of the few. Every experiment, however important or valuable, requires the explicit voluntary consent of the individual. The right of individuals to control their bodies outweighs the interest of others in learning or benefiting from it."

The first principle of the Nuremberg Code states "the voluntary consent of a human subject is absolutely necessary. This means that the person concerned must have the legal capacity to consent; should be positioned in such a way as to be able to exercise free choice without the intervention of any element of force, deception, deception, coercion, undue pressure or other hidden form of coercion; and must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the elements of the subject to enable it to make a reasonable and informed decision."

Given that there is a possibility of harm that cannot be compensated under the existing legal structure, vaccination is in fact an intrepid risk, and vaccine manufacturers are not responsible for dangerous or even deadly products. 

And in connection with these circumstances, we see the networked files of CDC Autism/MMR from Dr. William Thompson, which shows massive falsifications and forgery in the CDC

Vaccine Research

Why we're still getting vaccinated, questions from former vaccine advocate

Synergies and vaccine safety

Summing up the material, it can be quite stated: voluntary compulsory and mandatory vaccination, which officials say to senior officials, is a violation of the principles of the Nuremberg Code and a violation of article 6 of unesco's 2005 statement on bioethics and human rights:

Article 6, section l: 

any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention must be carried out only with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. In appropriate cases, consent may be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without prejudice to it. 
Article 6, section 3: in no case should a community collective agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority be a substitute for the informed consent of an individual.

  - Who knew that the career would collapse like that? How everything was safe and stable. And now there are enemies all around. And even among those sitting next to each other are enemies! And in the courtroom, the enemies! And how it all began! 
"I didn't kill anyone! I didn't start the war! He didn't give orders for executions!


Julius Streicher was the only defendant in Nuremberg to be found guilty solely of propaganda and not for his actual involvement in decisions about war and genocide.


On a gray autumn day in 1946, a bald man in a black suit and a black tie with little aces a la Hitler sat in the high court courtroom of the Palace of Justice of Nuremberg with an extinct face. Only a specialist who knew well from the photographs of the 3rd Reich could surely recognize among more than two dozen Nazi criminals, located in the dock, the former Gauleiter Franconia - a large area of Germany, the groupfuhrer of the SS (Lieutenant General) Julius Streicher - the editor-in-chief of the Nazi newspaper "The Stormtrooper" ("DerUrmer").

According to the indictment of Streicher, the newspaper incited national and racial hatred, brought up perverted cruelty and called for mass killings of racially, according to the editor-in-chief, inferior people. The desire to please the Nazi regime and, above all, the ardent anti-Semite Hitler, led to the publication in the newspaper of the most incredible stories, taken, as a rule, from the head of the editor-in-chief. Thus, in the tragic death in 1937 of the passenger airship Hindenburg were ,unquestionable" jews, who also drank the blood of innocent Aryan babies brutally killed by the Semites. It is clear that such achinea found a response in the minds of only the most unenlightened, little-thinking part of the population of the Third Reich, that is, in modern language, at the bull. It is on this part of the population always directed and directed rabid propaganda.

"Streicher can be considered the true "spiritual father" of those who tore in two children in Treblinka. Without "Sturmer" and its owner, German fascism would not have been able to bring up so quickly those mass cadres of murderers who directly carried out the criminal plans of Hitler and his clique." Even such a master of outright lies as Goebbels openly despised Streicher. Hated Streicher and Goering, whom the editor-in-chief of "The Stormtrooper" once for the sake of a cheap sensation slandered in his newspaper. No better treated this deceitful bastard Bormann, Jodl and many other close Fuhrer. When all the defendants were divided into threes for feeding lunch during the Nuremberg trial, the two who ended up with Streicher angrily protested against such a neighborhood over lunch. Even among outspoken criminals, this bald type in a black suit was kind of from the caste of the untouchables. Only Hitler has always been good to Julius Streicher, allowing him to call himself "you." But Hitler during the process was already out of reach of the given ... No one will say a word in defense! 

And Streicher had no doubt that he would be convicted. 
Streicher's childhood years, as well as the childhood years of many criminals in power, left no trace in history. What is known is that before the First World War, he volunteered for the German Army as a primary school teacher. It must be said that during the First World War Streicher showed himself to be a brave soldier and earned the Iron Cross I and II degree, as well as received the rank of lieutenant, but then after a year of service was dismissed from the army for indiscipline with a prohibition to serve in the armed forces. 


After the end of the First World War, the economy collapsed in defeated Germany, inflation grew into hyperinflation, strikes and armed speeches broke out in the country, and in the heads of young people who returned from the war there was complete hopelessness, remember, by the way, the heroes of Remark. And Streicher continued to teach at school and soon began to participate in the political life of the country on the side of the far right.  Within the framework of the National Socialist German Workers' Party of Germany (NSDAP), where Hitler joined after the war, Streicher created an anti-Semitic branch (LNG). As a visionary, Streicher did not, though he could, compete for the leadership of the NSDAP with Hitler, and gave him the place of the leader, joining in 1923 with his associates in Hitler's party. Moreover, the episode, when during the Beer putsch in Munich Streicher with Hitler lay next to the bullets on the pavement, remained in Hitler's memory for the rest of his life. Already a Fuhrer, he thanked Streicher for the highest positions in the Third Reich. And this scum in the rank of Gauleiter, taking advantage of "closeness to the body", engaged in illegal purchase of confiscated Jewish property, made numerous mistresses, blackmailing their husbands, walked on the Nuremberg entrusted to him with a whip. Streicher could have beaten any person he didn't like. This did not prevent him from teaching at the school, where the students were obliged to greet him: - Heil Hitler ! 


In 1928, Streicher was fired from school for promoting anti-Semitic ideas, but this did not prevent his further Nazi career: in 1929 he became a Gauleiter of the united Franconia and was elected to the Bavarian parliament from the Nazis, and in 1933 to the Reichstag. In 1934, Streicher was promoted to the SS Groupfuhrer.

The attitude towards the editor-in-chief of "The Stormtrooper" in the party was ambiguous. Goering, Ley, Hess and Mine have openly stated that he does far more harm than good with his obscene articles and moral image. There were legends about his selfish self-interest in the party. Goebbels repeatedly banned his public appearances - Streicher was a good speaker. And Hitler almost always supported Streicher, saying, "I don't think the task of a political leader is to try to improve the human material that lies ready in his hands."

History is silent - whether Hitler gave Streicher a confidential interview for the newspaper, but it is known that the Fuhrer read every fresh issue. 

However, Goering obtained a financial audit of Streicher's activities from Hitler, which resulted in the removal of the latter from all party posts in 1940. After that, Streicher did not directly engage in politics, focusing on editing "Der Sturmer." The newspaper continued to be published until 1945. In the final weeks of the war, Streicher de facto became a gauleiter of Franconia, but on May 23, 1945, Streicher was arrested by the Americans on his Farm Playkershof, located in his native Franconia. On a piece of land Streicher built there a farm with a barn, where he lived all the war, not maintaining any contact with any power structures of the national socialist regime. The Americans were well aware of the abomination of this arrested person. And then it was as the famous saying goes: "God marks the slander, " 

Streicher, still handcuffed and dressed only in his lower shirt and pants, was taken to the prison in the Bavarian city of Frasing, where he was imprisoned. There were no windows in the cell, but also a bed and even a chair, so the prisoner had to sleep on a cold stone floor.

A few days later, after being transferred to the prison in Wiesbaden, the prisoner Streicher wrote in his prison diary that in the Fraziing prison "ami" (Americans) two or three times a day put him "to the wall" with his hands raised above his head, handcuffed, followed by a black private, and more often - a white officer of the U.S. military police lashed the prisoner with a leather. As soon as Streicher tried to lower his hands to cover his genitals from the blows of the whip, he was immediately hit directly in the groin with his foot, wrapped in a heavy army shoe. As a result, not only the genitals, but the entire crotch of the prisoner Streicher were constantly in a terribly swollen state.

After another beating, a white military police officer was removed, and it was the turn of the U.S. Army. Privates (for some reason it is the Negroes) during the day repeatedly forced the prisoner Streicher to open his mouth to spit him there. If the prisoner refused to open his mouth, the Americans forcibly squeezed his jaws with a wooden stick, and still spat Streicher in his mouth. In addition, the jailers forced the prisoner to drink from the "parashi". If he refused to drink from the "parashi", he was beaten with a leather whip.

The prisoner was forced to eat exclusively with rotten leftovers and potato husks. When Streicher once dared to refuse to eat some completely rotten smoots brought to him "for lunch", black jailers knocked the prisoner to the floor and forced him to lick his army boots.

Despite the terrible conditions of detention, Streicher continued to keep a diary, where manic insistence noted "the percentage of Jews among those who interrogated prisoners at the trial. 

"Twice a day a woman in the uniform of a lieutenant (a Jew) walks down the corridor and looks into the door peeping of my cell with a good snout, as if to say, "Here he is, here... Now he's not going anywhere!" 


403 court hearings of the International Military Tribunal have ended. October 1, 1946. In the dock sat a bald man with a la Hitler's ear. Julius Streicher did not expect to hear anything good for himself in the verdict. His last word did not diverge from his beliefs - Streicher did not ask for mercy:

"This process is a triumph of world Jewry. They're going to crucify me. I'm sure. Three judges are Jews!

On 1 October 1946, the President of the International Military Tribunal, the Representative of Great Britain, Lord J. Lawrence read out the verdict in a humdrum voice on the list of defendants:

  - Death penalty by hanging.... , the death penalty by hanging.

The same was heard by Streicher after the announcement of his surname - the gallows ! 

Several convicted criminals, including Goering, have filed a petition to replace the shameful death in the noose with a firing squad. The court's request was dismissed. Streicher didn't ask for anything. He hardly knew about Goering's words: -- "The Field Marshals are not hanged - they leave themselves," but, probably, he understood that for him, in fact, the shawls of Hitler's regime, such a petition is not on the rank. Executions of Nazi criminals were scheduled to take place on the night of October 16 in the sports hall of the prison where three days ago American soldiers were chasing the ball. The execution was entrusted to the American professional executioner - junior sergeant John Woodd, who had a lot of experience in this part. At home in San Antonio, he carried out 347 death sentences for murderers and rapists.

Three gallows were installed in the hall: two were to be involved in the execution, and the third - served as a spare. To speed up the procedure, it was supposed to use the gallows in turn: while one removed the corpse of the executed, the second prepared another "suicide bomber."

Thirteen steps were led to the scaffold. The base of the scaffold, more than two metres high, was covered with a tarp. Under each gallows was a hatch with two sash, which opened with the touch of a lever. The prisoner had to fall into a hole 2 meters deep 65 centimeters. Here the professional executioner John Woodd made a little mistake: - a rope with a loop on one gallows he made too short. Therefore, when falling into the pit, the convict did not break the cervical vertebrae, which should have led to instant death, and there was an excruciating suffocation. 

At 11:45 p.m. on October 15, Streicher was woken up. He was offered the last dinner 🥘: sausages with potato salad or pancakes with fruit salad to choose from. Then the verdict was read out again. It is not known - ate the organizer of the Hitler Jugend his last supper, but on the way to the scaffold his legs were refused, and Woodd under his arms dragged Streicher to the gallows, and he wet himself with fear ... Several times the convict shouted on the way: - Heil Hitler! He shouted even when he was put on a black bag over his head before the execution No, with a rope he was unlucky ... The staff american executioner had to suffocate the agonizing propaganda with his hands.

Then, in the presence of numerous witnesses, Streicher's body was sent to the Munich crematorium in a coffin and with a rope around his neck, and the ashes were scattered in the wind over the river Isor.

Despite such a terrible end, Streicher's propaganda has a lot of followers all over the world. They are not afraid that the regime, which they praise with dog devotion, can collapse, and they themselves will be forgotten and the subsequent court of contemporaries, despite the seeming proximity of these propagandists to power. In Russia, the All-Russian Congress for Human Rights established the Julius Streicher Anti-Premium, which is awarded for its contribution to the creation of an atmosphere of lies and hatred in the media. 

And who will be honored with this anti-premium: a woman or a man? And who exactly and when? Interesting...

And also interesting is the fate of the propagandists of the crown 👑 virus 🦠 


Thirteen steps were led to the scaffold. The base of the scaffold, more than two metres high, was covered with a tarp. Under each gallows is a hatch with two shutters, which open with the press of the lever. The executed person fell into the hole to a depth of 2 meters 65 centimeters.

Before the execution, manila ropes were tested with the help of cast-iron ears, which were to play the main role in the execution. Experience has shown that ropes successfully withstand a load of 200 kilograms.

The right corner of the room was fenced off with a tarp. There were to fold the bodies of the hanged.

While preparations were under way, the warden, American Colonel Burton Andrews, visited each convict and reported the rejection of clemency applications.

From that moment on, the guards had to observe the condemned to death very carefully. But it did not help: at about 22:45 Hermann Goering committed suicide with a vials of poison. In this way, Goering confirmed the rightness of his own words: "The Field Marshals are not hanged." There are still several versions of who helped Goering avoid the noose. Anyway, none of the Nazis managed to repeat such a trick.

Joachim von Ribbentrop, former Foreign Minister of the Third Reich, overcame the first 13 steps. The executioner threw and tightened the noose around his neck. Ribbetrop was then asked to say the last word. "God bless Germany! Spare my soul!" the former minister shouted. John Woods threw a cap over his head, the priest uttered a prayer, and after turning the lever Ribbentrop fell down.

The executioners and guards worked quickly and confidently. The Nazis one by one disappeared into the gaping abyss of the gallows hatch.

The hanged fell into the inside of the gallows, the bottom of which was hung on one side with dark curtains, and on three sides was filled with a tree, so that no one could see the death torments of the hanged. 

The body remained hanging until medical experts confirmed the death.


Most of the "suicide bombers," according to witnesses, kept the presence of mind. This does not apply to one of the Nazi ideologues Julius Streicher. He was the only one who kept shouting "Heil Hitler!" even with a bag over his head.

By the way, Streicher is also the only one for whom the trial in Nuremberg was already the second. Known for his promiscuous sexual relations and love of pornography, the Nazi was accused of child molestation, but managed to justify himself.

"Now to God! The Bolsheviks will hang you someday. Adele, my poor wife. Heil Hitler!" shouted Streicher before his execution.

Julius Streicher

The last to be hanged was Arthur Seiss-Inquart, the former head of Austria and the Reich Minister of the Netherlands.

Standing on the scaffold, he said: "I hope that this execution will be the last tragedy of the Second World War and that what happened will serve as a lesson: peace and understanding must exist between peoples. I believe in Germany."

Arthur Seiss-Inquart

After that, a stretcher with Goering's corpse was brought into the hall, which was symbolically placed under the gallows.

The representatives of all the Allied Powers then examined them and signed them on death certificates. Photographs were taken of each body, dressed and naked. Then each corpse was wrapped in a mattress along with the last clothes that was on it, and the rope on which it was hung, and put in a coffin. All the coffins were sealed.

At 4 a.m. on October 16, a new phase of the operation began. The coffins were loaded into specially prepared trucks and escorted by an armed convoy to Munich.

At dawn, the convoy arrived at the crematorium located on the outskirts of the city. His leadership was warned of the planned cremation of "fourteen American soldiers." This information was reported in order to prevent the possible leakage of information about who was actually brought to burn.

The crematorium was cordoned off by the military and tanks were stationed nearby. Everyone who entered the building had to stay there for the rest of the day.

Each coffin was printed in the presence of four officers: one from the United States, England and France and the USSR. Making sure that the body was not replaced, the corpse was sent for cremation.

After that, a stretcher with Goering's corpse was brought into the hall, which was symbolically placed under the gallows.

The representatives of all the Allied Powers then examined them and signed them on death certificates. Photographs were taken of each body, dressed and naked. Then each corpse was wrapped in a mattress along with the last clothes that was on it, and the rope on which it was hung, and put in a coffin. All the coffins were sealed.

At 4 a.m. on October 16, a new phase of the operation began. The coffins were loaded into specially prepared trucks and escorted by an armed convoy to Munich.

At dawn, the convoy arrived at the crematorium located on the outskirts of the city. His leadership was warned of the planned cremation of "fourteen American soldiers." This information was reported in order to prevent the possible leakage of information about who was actually brought to burn.

The crematorium was cordoned off by the military and tanks were stationed nearby. Everyone who entered the building had to stay there for the rest of the day.

Each coffin was printed in the presence of four officers: one from the United States, England and France and the USSR. Making sure that the body was not replaced, the corpse was sent for cremation.

As we already know from the history of the world it teaches nothing on this story. Apparently such procedures will have to be repeated at least once in 70 years, to cleanse the world of the fascists of scum.

𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏


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