Fallout 4 720p Torrent

Fallout 4 720p Torrent


Fallout 4 720p Torrent


As the survivor treks the hazardous wasteland of the common wealth he/she faces many feats amoung friendly followers and foes. As your son has been taken from your safe home of vault 111 you set out to find him facing many enemies and collecting gear in the open world of Boston.
Fallout 4 is an open-world role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. In it, the player begins as a parent and spouse in the year 2077, but then must enter Vault 111 to survive the nuclear apocalypse. The player becomes the last remaining survivor of Vault 111 as he/she emerges into the nuclear wasteland in 2287, amidst the ruins of the city of Boston..
So Fallout 4 has been here for the best part of a month and I have no qualms in saying that this is the best game on next gen that i&#39;ve seen so far and what makes it so amazing is purely how much freedom you have this time around compared to Fallout 3 and Skyrim. From the very get go, I knew I was in for a treat. After the usual &quot;War never changes&quot; spiel, you&#39;re immediately thrust into a brilliantly versatile character creation screen and I need only tell you that I spent about 30 minutes in that section to demonstrate how many options you have. And that my friends, is just the beginning. After admittedly a few boring moments, the game picks up the pace briskly and you are quickly swept into the unforgiving wasteland of The Commonwealth (formerly downtown Boston) and away from the peaceful, family oriented life you once knew in a heartfelt plot involving your kidnapped son. I wont spoil anything else but I think that it was a very smart move on Bethesda&#39;s part to opt for a simple, more personal and emotional plot. Surprisingly, the kidnapped son gives your character some great motivation and gets you genuinely invested.<br/><br/>Now, I usually play as females when given the option - don&#39;t know why really, I just really like strong female characters -, and I can say that the plot seems to work so much better when you play as a woman in this game. The kidnapped son gives your character some maternal quality like Ripley or Sarah Connor, and makes her more driven and badass. Not completely necessary but just a suggestion I thought i&#39;d bring up. Also noteworthy is that this game introduce fully dynamic conversations and voice acting for the first time, which was a very smart inclusion and gives your character so much more personality, and also allows you to become more connected to them and guide their personality traits throughout the game. Whether you want them to be sympathetic and caring or cold and emotionally distant, the choice is yours. I personally drove my character down the sympathetic route, but also made her emotionally fractured and evasive at times, but with just enough space for a few sarcastic quips every now and then, which in turn made her very likable and a lot of fun to play as.<br/><br/>Before I close my review, I must mention two more things that make this game very special. The first is the combat, holy sh*t the combat is so much fun. It&#39;s hard as hell, but if it was easy the game wouldn&#39;t be nearly as challenging and fun to go back two. Every weapon feels unique enough for you to think about which is best for a particular enemy. Secondly, the power armor is also so much fun to use. EverY time I strap into it I feel like a badass ready for battle and it&#39;s especially good for exploring those radiation infested areas.<br/><br/>Overall, I would say that Fallout 4 is my favourite game of the year and I truly applaud and thank Behesda for giving us a rewarding and COMPLETE (yes i&#39;m looking at you Battlefront *scathing stare&quot;) experience that will surely hold re-playability well into next year and who knows, maybe for the rest of this generation. What are you waiting for, go out and play this game now!!
Entering once again into the post apocalyptic is a treat indeed and those familiar with Fallout 3 will feel right at home. Fans of the series will not be disappointed in the subtle details that go into a Fallout game. Although there are elements left to be desired.<br/><br/>All things stated from this point on are opinions and should be considered as such.<br/><br/>Pros<br/><br/>-Immersive world begging to be explored and looted. -Crafting, weapon, and armor mods are fun and rewarding. -More polished gun-play. A weak spot in Fallout 3 was the clunky shooting mechanics. Having Players rely on VATS most of the time. Its clear that Bethesda wanted the game to play more as a shooter and less of a turn based combat. (Which some people will view as a negative) I view the improved shooting mechanics as a positive but the reduced emphasis on VATS a negative. - Settlements and building is a fun new addition.<br/><br/>Cons<br/><br/>-Gone is the Karma system from previous titles. Leaving the game feeling less of and RPG and more of a shooter. Your character feels like part a story of which you don&#39;t control. You are no longer good evil or neutral, you are simply there. -Voiced dialogue has been a point of controversy. This again plays into your character. Gone our the rich and detailed &quot;pages&quot; of dialogue from NPCs which wove a masterful tapestry of which the wasteland was set. Your character feels like a character from a FPS simply just part of the story. The dialogue wheel has been criticized as &quot;vague&quot; and a RNG -Voice acting. Bethesda has been known for outstanding voice acting in both their Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. Almost a hallmark. While the voice acting in Fallout 4 is not bad it doesn&#39;t feel quite up to par with what you might expect.<br/><br/>Minor nitpicks<br/><br/>-Your weapons no longer appear on your character when in 3rd person view. Most probably don&#39;t care but this is an RPG, minor details such as this matter to the consumer living a fantasy. -The radio announcer is annoying as hell. While somewhat amusing its a bold move especially considering the history of radio DJs in Fallout games such as Three Dog and Mr New Vegas. -The game has somewhat of a more restrictive feel towards it compared to the past 2 titles. For example in NV you could literally kill any person you wanted to. In Fallout 4 many many NPCs are unkillabe, being labeled as essential to a quest or story-line. This again makes you feel less of a participant and more an observer in something greater than yourself.<br/><br/>Fallout 4 is a very enjoyable game and a worthy addition the Fallout library. While reaching great heights a few questionable decisions derail the game from reaching true masterpiece status


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