Facebook is about to rebrand an old feature and pass it off as something new

Facebook is about to rebrand an old feature and pass it off as something new


In 2012 facebook released a new feature called Interest Lists.

Here is an example science based list.

Last week facebook removed the ability. I cannot begin to describe how great lists were.

The signal to noise achievable twas amazing. Below is a screenshot with IEEE Spectrum, Open Culture, Harvard Business Review, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic/BBC, and Reuters posts all appearing in order. How often does that happen on your facebook feed?

The creation page is now blank. The ability to find existing, or create new, lists is gone.

As of two weeks ago you could create a list, add pages to your list, and share your list with others. Posts from lists would appear in your timeline (this specific feature has not worked in a while.)

Now facebook is working on a new feature called Collections.

Collections will likely be one of two things: either a list of prefollowed pages (no change just a renamed product, maybe interest lists but only approved elites given the ability to make lists), or a page slash group with humans approving posts autoingested from a list slash newsfeed.

Why would facebook remove this feature? Are they making it better, restricting it to a special group of people, or simply repainting what they already had?

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