Facebook Php Sdk Logout

Facebook Php Sdk Logout


Facebook Php Sdk Logout


$helper->getError(); echo ' Code: ' . Grab the useridand any other user data, e.g.name&emailfrom the Graph API using the user access token. The payload is delivered as a base64-encoded JSON string that has been escaped for use in a URL. And the PHP SDK provides a method to generate a logout URL calledgetLogoutUrl(). Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled .. If you use a user access token to make a GET request to/me, Graph will return a User node. In your initialization snippet, I recommend setting thecookieoption totrue. Let's look at the best practices for logging a Facebook user into your web app. Thank you so much for this post! vijetha says: April 5, 2013 at 5:24 am thanks a lot Mukesh says: June 16, 2013 at 5:34 pm Code is still not working. Here I'm doing it on a get. It's a best practice to ask for the bare minimum permissions that your app needs to function when a user first logs into your app. requireonce('libs/facebook.php'); $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => '1121111110112', 'secret' => 'bcfsaasaaaaaa2b7adsae3a4dd5' )); if(isset($GET['action']) && $GET['action'] === 'logout'){ $facebook->destroySession(); } The $facebook->getLogoutUrl() logs the user out of Facebook. Hope this helps shareimprove this answer answered Apr 28 '12 at 19:54 Hseyin BABAL 12.4k43461 add a comment up vote 2 down vote To answer directly to your question . Troubleshooting:If the$jsHelper->getAccessToken()is just returningnulland not throwing any exceptions, that means the cookie from the JavaScript SDK is not set. FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email', function(response) { console.log(response); });. You can have a look at here for detail information. I've seen developers use an indexedVARCHAR 255to store the Facebook ID's as well. $helper->getErrorDescription(); exit; } . After you've logged a user in with the JavaScript SDK (as described above), you can usewindow.location.replace("fb-login-callback.php");to redirect them to a callback URL. */ FB.logout(); window.location = 'some url'; }); I should be about the same without jQuery (just run FB.logout() at page load). For a web app, there are two ways to log a Facebook user into your site. Sushant says: June 2, 2012 at 6:21 pm Thank you. $e->getMessage(); exit; } if ( isset( $accessToken)) { // Logged in // Store the $accessToken in a PHP session // You can also set the user as "logged in" at this point } elseif ( $helper->getError()) { // There was an error (user probably rejected the request) echo ' Error: ' . So you don't have to worry about generating and validating the CSRF or exchanging thecodefor an access token for example. ToolsGraph API ExplorerOpen Graph DebuggerObject BrowserJavaScript Test ConsoleAPI Upgrade ToolFacebook Analytics. $helper->getErrorReason(); echo ' Description: ' . To prevent this, make sure to include the version number down toMINORPATCH:"4.1.0". You /picture"> Your User Object (/me) You are not Connected. It is a good tutorial for this problem. How To Log A User In. We just need to check the database for their Facebook user ID - no need to check passwords or store & validate the access token or anything like that. Obtain a user access token (via the JavaScript or PHP SDK). Generating The Login Link. The release versions look like:4.MAJOR.MINORPATCH. shareimprove this answer answered Sep 21 '13 at 23:07 nelsonec87 1016 add a comment up vote 0 down vote Had some kind of similar trouble with that. Asking For More Permissions. This assumes we've already obtained an access token for the user. SupportPlatform StatusDevelopers GroupMarketing PartnersBugs.. $fb->setDefaultAccessToken( '{default-access-token}'); . $userprofile = $facebook->api('/me'); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { errorlog($e); $user = null; } } // Login or logout url will be needed depending on current user state 5a02188284

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