Facebook Graph Api For Php

Facebook Graph Api For Php


Facebook Graph Api For Php


rev2018.1.9.28319 . Furthermore, can you explain how can you save the authorization that the user authorize only one time on a web app and can share and post again and again without having to do the authorization again and again Regards MonasteryTech Reply Olaf Lederer The authorization is based on the Facebook session set in the users browser. First check if the user is already logged in : require "facebook.php"; $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => YOURAPPID, 'secret' => YOURAPPSECRET, )); $user = $facebook->getUser(); if ($user) { try { $userprofile = $facebook->api('/me'); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { $user = null; } } If he his not, you can display the login link asking for the email permission : if (!$user) { $args = array('scope' => 'email'); echo ' getLoginUrl() . From the top menu select Apps => Create a New App to open the pop-up for your app details. ' '; } catch ( FacebookRequestException $e ) { // show any error for this facebook request echo 'Facebook (get) request error: '.$e->getMessage(); } } Thisrequest is used to check if the Facebook message really exists. Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Permalink Failed to load latest commit information. Installation The Facebook PHP SDK can be installed with Composer. Install composer globally, then run composer install to install required files. .. shareimprove this answer answered Jun 28 '17 at 10:58 Didzis 1008 add a comment up vote 0 down vote The following tools can be useful during development: Access Token Debugger: Paste in an access token for details Graph API Explorer: Test requests to the graph api after pasting in your access token shareimprove this answer answered Dec 7 '17 at 5:02 SimonWeaver 61.6k57393479 add a comment up vote 0 down vote Make sure to fully specify the version number of the API as something like "v2.11" and not "2.11" I'm not sure what it defaults to if this is incorrect, but I got some odd errors trying to just retrieve the email when I missed the v. Any suggestions as to where to look? Reply Olaf Lederer Hi Pete, check the demo, Im using the same code like in the tutorial. 7ads6x98y. Keep the browser window open to have access to the App ID and secret on a later moment. Reply MonasteryTech Hi can you tell me how to store the authorization data to MySQL database so that authorization can be done only one time. I remember my that I tried something similar for a WordPress site and finally I used a IFTTT recipe Reply Ivn T. Extract the ZIP file, rename the directory to facebook-php-sdk and upload the directory to your web host (create a new directory first and match the URL youve used for yourFacebook App). Note the demo/application is just and example how you can implement such a feature in your own application. The first IFstatement is used to check if there is already a valid (PHP) session for the current visitor or user. Furthermore the user has to accept the app ones to be added to his profile (that are in total two dialog boxes). Required fields are marked *Comment Name * Email * Website Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. $response = $fb->get('/me', '{access-token}'); } catch(FacebookExceptionsFacebookResponseException $e) { // When Graph returns an error echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . Reply mncedisi Hi Problem solved, i didnt destroy the last user session set on my application. SupportPlatform StatusDevelopers GroupMarketing PartnersBugs.. If you understand how it works, you can use this function (a bit modified) as a social feature forthe comments form on your WordPress website. Please read the upgrade guide before upgrading. Requests to the Graph API At the moment that the session is valid, the script is able topost the link to the users Facebook timeline. asked 7 years, 4 months ago viewed 283,772 times active 1 month ago Blog Take the 2018 Developer Survey Linked 1 Facebook - how to get email from ID? -1 Where can I get the user email? 11 Android Facebook get all profile information 4 How to get the email address of a Facebook user using the graph API? 1 Get Facebook User Email from their FB ID 0 how to get a user's facebook email address 1 In Facebook Graph API, what are the API calls to get a user's email address 2 Get facebook emails using django -4 Is it possible to get friend's emails using facebook api? 0 How can we get user email id using facebook connect? see more linked questions Related 1849How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?71Getting the “real” Facebook profile picture URL from graph API355Design for Facebook authentication in an iOS app that also accesses a secured web service12Is a user's email address confirmed in Facebook Graph API?57Is it possible to check if an email is confirmed on Facebook?0Facebook api 3.5 graph get profile info android1493How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?3Facebook graph api v2.4 not returning birthday2Get Another User's Information by Facebook Graph API0Swift get Facebook user email not working Hot Network Questions How can I get players to a specific place without telling them where it is? 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