Facebook App Settings Localhost

Facebook App Settings Localhost


Facebook App Settings Localhost


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What sense does it make for "sharpness" to be adjustable on a monitor? Can you make 1 1 1 1 = 5? Why is it so inefficient to generate electricity by absorbing heat? Is the Mirror Universe the same one across all Star Trek shows? Finding pair of Amicable numbers under 10000 in C taking too long Meaning of "bull" in Byron's "this is no bull, although it sounds so" std::isinvocable is false but std::invoke works Spectre/meltdown on a GPU Is there a function that grows faster than exponentially but slower than a factorial? Numeral system for a species with 8 fingers Unknown notation relating to stoichiometry How suitable is "" for "priest"? Is Sam Gamgee an orphan? United Airlines joined my first name and middle name on boarding pass. Open /etc/hosts (unix) or C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts. Mid Mo Design. shareimprove this answer answered May 24 '12 at 0:05 Alan Cardoso 512 add a comment up vote 1 down vote Looks like FB just changed the app dev page again and added a feature called "Server IP Whitelist". It does not seem to have occurred to them that anyone would want to test the feature other than on a live server. I don't want to route anything. –Brian Powell Jul 1 '15 at 2:09 1 is there a workaround for files in the path file:///androidassets/www ? facebook will not allow that path for site url –Vignesh Subramanian Jul 23 '15 at 4:41 add a comment up vote 3 down vote Facebook seemingly randomly disables the ability to set localhost as a domain on your facebook app. 2012 MasteringAPI.com. –omat Jul 13 '13 at 12:28 show 7 more comments up vote 102 down vote Edit your app at www.facebook.com/developers/ and set the "Site URL" to " When done - change it back. Facebook allows to create "Test-Apps" inside an App, that may be the solution but i haven't tried it yet. How to correct this? How much smaller were medieval farm animals in England than today? The Ultimate Typo How can Dwarves produce honey underground? Find the value of x such that more hot questions question feed . –Zac Apr 3 '12 at 13:38 3 That's actually pretty clever. .. Which knows where "localhost" points to. There you have "Website" –Luciano Jun 10 '14 at 12:18 add a comment up vote 48 down vote Facebook has added test versions feature. Edit - in the latest fb version you'll find it under the settings tab. You need to put in your public IP, which you say is the same for each developer (did you mean is NOT the same). –sevensevens Jun 16 '14 at 17:18 no, the public IP for different machines on different locations is of course not the same, just the local IP on each machine is the same. view it in browser. rev2018.1.8.28313 . EDIT: seems that is the solution –Sumit Jun 17 '14 at 7:58 add a comment up vote 1 down vote go to canvas page. Jump toSections of this pageAccessibility HelpPress alt + / to open this menuRemoveTo help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. Not found Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here. shareimprove this answer edited Sep 14 '17 at 15:17 Talha Awan 2,4133923 answered Apr 15 '11 at 8:29 Sangeeta Saharan 112 add a comment up vote -5 down vote Create 2 apps and In /initializers/envvariables.rb if Rails.env == 'development' ENV['FBAPPID'] = "HERE" ENV["FBSECRET"] = "HERE" else ENV['FBAPPID'] = "HERE" ENV["FBSECRET"] = "HERE" end shareimprove this answer edited Jan 4 '14 at 19:16 answered Nov 25 '13 at 21:08 sparkle 2,440124477 add a comment Your Answer draft saved draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest Name Email Post as a guest Name Email discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. any ideas of a work-around is much appreciated. So if your main app is apps.facebook.com/ohnice/ QA and dev can be is apps.facebook.com/ohniceqasd/ is apps.facebook.com/ohnicedevfg/ yes something random so you do not have unwanted visitors when your house is not tidy. After that, in the "Site Url" field write your localhost url (e.g.: This will allow you to test your facebook plugins locally. –Chris Barry May 18 '13 at 12:06 1 Can't find "Website with Facebook Login" any more. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled .. localhost). shareimprove this answer edited Jun 21 '15 at 18:31 answered Aug 29 '14 at 0:54 Snowman 894621 2 This should really be the accepted answer - works perfectly 5a02188284

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