FULL "A Disgrace to the Profession" by Mark Steyn (Editor) without signing author get access online

FULL "A Disgrace to the Profession" by Mark Steyn (Editor) without signing author get access online

FULL "A Disgrace to the Profession" by Mark Steyn (Editor) without signing author get access online

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Book description
The hockey stick graph of global temperatures is the single most influential icon in the global-warming debate, promoted by the UNs transnational climate bureaucracy, featured in Al Gores Oscar-winning movie, used by governments around the world to sell the Kyoto Accord to their citizens, and shown to impressionable schoolchildren from kindergarten to graduation.And yet what it purports to prove is disputed and denied by many of the worlds most eminent scientists. In this riveting book, Mark Steyn has compiled the thoughts of the worlds scientists, in their own words, on hockey-stick creator Michael E Mann, his stick and their damage to science. From Canada to Finland, Scotland to China, Belgium to New Zealand, from venerable Nobel Laureates to energetic young researchers on all sides of the debate analyze the hockey stock and the wider climate wars it helped launch.
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