FULL Via Ferratas of the French Alps by Richard Miller without signing reader touch wiki book

FULL Via Ferratas of the French Alps by Richard Miller without signing reader touch wiki book

FULL Via Ferratas of the French Alps by Richard Miller without signing reader touch wiki book

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Book description
Recent years have witnessed a surge in the number of via ferrata routes set up in the iconic mountains of the French Alps. With routes set on or near many classics including the massifs of Mont Blanc, the Vanoise and the Queyras, this guide shows the best of what is now available. The 66 routes in this guidebook are grouped by area - Geneva and the Northern Alps, Chambery, the Tarentaise and Maurienne valleys, Grenoble and Briancon - and run the full gamut of challenge, from very easy, protected routes suitable for children, through to extremely exposed and technical routes for experienced ferrataists only. Everything you need to know to take up this exciting sport is covered here, including techniques and equipment required and glossary of specialist terminology, and all the routes are graded for difficulty, exposure and seriousness. Routes are illustrated by topo diagrams on colour photographs, and simple sketch maps. Those used to the older Italian routes will find these French routes quite different, closer to scrambling or rock climbing and often seeking out the most vertigo-inducing terrain. But most routes should be within the reach of any strong hillwalker and protection is high and well maintained.
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