FULL Velvet, Vol. 3: The Man Who Stole the World by Ed Brubaker (Writer) german online english format offline

FULL Velvet, Vol. 3: The Man Who Stole the World by Ed Brubaker (Writer) german online english format offline

FULL Velvet, Vol. 3: The Man Who Stole the World by Ed Brubaker (Writer) german online english format offline

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Book description

Book description
What if the Watergate burglaries were a cover-up for something more heinous? As Velvet nears the end of her search to uncover who framed her for the murder of her love Agent X-14, the trail takes her all the way to Nixon’s White House. To get the answers she needs, she’s gonna have to kidnap the President! Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting’s brilliant spy series closes out its first arc strongly in The Man Who Stole the World. That said, I think this is my least favourite volume in the series despite being top notch – that’s just how high quality the previous two books were! The book is filled with the kind of spectacular action you’d expect in any spy thriller – hand-to-hand fighting, gunfights, car chases, skydiving – but it’s nothing we haven’t already seen Velvet do before; still fun to see but not as impressive. The story plays out excitingly and keeps you guessing who Velvet can trust – if anyone – and then we get to the reveal of the villain behind it all. It’s fine, as is the explanation they give, but, as always seems to be the case with most spy thrillers, the villain’s plan is extremely convoluted so these fast-moving stories almost always end awkwardly with slow, extensive exposition. I still enjoyed the hell out of the ride getting there though! Steve Epting’s art and Elizabeth Breitweiser’s colours continue to make Velvet one of the most gorgeous comics Image is publishing right now. The action is flawlessly rendered and they somehow give a comic set mostly at night this glorious shimmer to it. If you’ve read the last two volumes you’ll know how remarkable the visuals in this series are. I wasn’t as blown away as I’d hoped with this third Velvet book but it’s still a fine ending to an outstanding spy comic. Velvet is easily one of the best things Ed Brubaker’s written yet and first class entertainment to boot – highly recommended to all comics fans! The genre has a new standout hero alongside Bond, Bourne and Archer: Valerie Archer Velvet.
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