FULL Undercover Tales by Blayne Cooper tom kickass download pc book

FULL Undercover Tales by Blayne Cooper tom kickass download pc book

FULL Undercover Tales by Blayne Cooper tom kickass download pc book

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Book description
From Blayne Cooper, author of Unbreakable, The Last Train Home, Madam President, and many others, comes Quicksand, a story about sinking into trouble so deep, theres no way out. Deceit, betrayal, and resisting sexual temptation were never part of private investigator Belinda Blaisdells daily life. Until now. KG MacGregor, author of Shaken, The House on Sandstone, and Malicious Pursuit, presents Stolen Souls, the tale of Vonne Maglio, who signs on for a two-week vacation at a working ranch in the Colorado canyons. Nothing at Sky Ranch is as it seem-but then, neither is Vonne. From SX Meagher, author of I Found My Heart In San Francisco, comes Narc. The dark side of Chicago is a cauldron of crime. Drugs, sex, blackmail, bribery and corruption so deep you can swim in it. And thats just the cops. How does an honest detective wade through this muck to do her job?
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