FULL Tiny Hats on Cats: Because Every Cat Deserves to Feel Fancy by Adam Ellis doc ebay book bookstore pocket

FULL Tiny Hats on Cats: Because Every Cat Deserves to Feel Fancy by Adam Ellis doc ebay book bookstore pocket

FULL Tiny Hats on Cats: Because Every Cat Deserves to Feel Fancy by Adam Ellis doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description
A fun and creative book for cat lovers, crafters, and pop-culture devotees alike. Following the success of recent bestsellers like Grumpy Cat and How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You, TINY HATS ON CATS combines adorable photos of cats with author Adam Elliss hilarious anecdotes, but also has a fun DIY element: Readers will learn how to craft colorful and creative feline headgear from the books step-by-step instructions. With a portable trim size and a beautifully designed interior, TINY HATS ON CATS is the perfect gift for every animal lover or for any reader who wants their cat to feel just a little more fancy.
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