FULL Til the Boys Come Home: A World War I Novel by Jerry Borrowman download book free txt

FULL Til the Boys Come Home: A World War I Novel by Jerry Borrowman download book free txt

FULL Til the Boys Come Home: A World War I Novel by Jerry Borrowman download book free txt

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Book description
World War II gets all the attention. This book is a gentle reminder that before the Hollywood portrayal of The Good War in all its glory and Great American Heroes that spawned The Greatest Generation, there was another Great War, equally important in American history. Considering the one-hundred year anniversary of WWI this is the perfect opportunity to remind ourselves that human terrorism is always with us.Here is the story of two young boys growing up in rural Idaho who would go on to fight in the War to End All Wars. One would experience the joy of learning to pilot an airplane as a World War I flying ace. The other would suffer the horror of the trenches. Will either survive and see their families again? Read this book and find out. It is hard not to get caught up in the drama Jerry Borrowman creates in his excellent account of what life was like in America pre-WWII.The best way to study history is to read historical fiction. When a book like this comes along you cant easily put it down. Read it and pass it on.
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