FULL Theirs Was the Kingdom by R.F. Delderfield purchase find tom online kindle

FULL Theirs Was the Kingdom by R.F. Delderfield purchase find tom online kindle

FULL Theirs Was the Kingdom by R.F. Delderfield purchase find tom online kindle

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Book description
Not as good, in my opinion, as book 1 of this series. I enjoy the Swann family but this book was definitely 200 pages too long. Why? Adam Swann is the patriarch of the family and the owner of the transport business, Swann on Wheels. He is married to Henrietta and this book has way too much of Henrietta reminiscing about their family. I am not sure why the author did this, and whether this was to allow us to keep all the family members straight in our minds (they did have 9 children!), but the book dragged for me. Yes it is a good story, and yes there are interesting sections in the book, but just as things got interesting there was Henrietta reminiscing about her family and then Adam started doing the same with the business.Enjoyed the story of how the 2nd generation of Swanns is now doing, but in my opinion there should have been much more about there stories and less about remembering.One more to go in this series, but I am taking a break from the Swanns for a bit, which I am sure will be OK since Henrietta will most likely be back in Book 3 and remind me of anything I may have forgotten!
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