FULL The Shivering Sands by Victoria Holt epub online

FULL The Shivering Sands by Victoria Holt epub online

FULL The Shivering Sands by Victoria Holt epub online

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Book description
The new novel by the modern mistress of romantic suspense is set on the coast of Kent, at a great estate overlooking the infamous shivering sands - quicksands that have swallowed entire ships unfortunate enough to sail into them. Caroline Verlaine, a young widow, comes to work at the estate hoping to discover the cause of the mysterious disappearance of her sister, who had been studying the nearby Roman ruins. Caroline found her employers a strange family, haunted by tragedies of the past, scarred by distrust. Yet she found herself irresistibly attracted to them - especially to the familys dark, moody young scion. But not until she had retraced her sisters fatal last steps could she answer the crucial questions about the familys past - and her own future.
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