FULL The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy and the War Against Time by William L. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) access find acquire online buy

FULL The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy and the War Against Time by William L. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) access find acquire online buy

FULL The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy and the War Against Time by William L. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) access find acquire

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Book description

Book description
Having studied with several of the top Andean spiritual teachers have a particular appreciation for the information in this book. This book delves deeply into a lot of the esoteric and less prevalent aspects of the Andean culture and cosmology. It is a perfect supplement for any student of the Andean spiritual teachings. It is dense and packed full of a lot of information that may not appear related. However, in order to understand WHY many of the practices exist, it is essential to understand the history, beliefs and world views that are carefully constructed in this text. this book made many other things made sense in a way that some of my teachers never could or would explain. My work as a healer and teacher benefited greatly from the understandings gained from reading this book. My only comment would be that I am not sure INCA is the correct term- although here, it is probably used more accurately. The culture was an Andean and or Quechuan culture, and the term Inca, if I was taught accurately, refers to the high class of priests or enlightened ones, the spiritual class(?). In this case, it may be an accurate usage, often however, the term Inca seems to get used erroneously;)
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