FULL The Permanent Portfolio: Harry Brownes Long-Term Investment Strategy by Craig Rowland (Goodreads Author) download page djvu audio wiki

FULL The Permanent Portfolio: Harry Brownes Long-Term Investment Strategy by Craig Rowland (Goodreads Author) download page djvu audio wiki

FULL The Permanent Portfolio: Harry Brownes Long-Term Investment Strategy by Craig Rowland (Goodreads Author) download page djvu

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Book description
An up close look at an investment strategy that can handle todays uncertain financial environmentMarket uncertainty cannot be eliminated. So rather than attempt to do away with it, why not embrace it? That is what this book is designed to do. The Permanent Portfolio takes you through Harry Brownes Permanent Portfolio approach--which can weather a wide range of economic conditions from inflation and deflation to recession--and reveals how it can help investors protect and grow their money.Written by Craig Rowland and Mike Lawson, this reliable resource demonstrates everything from a straightforward four-asset Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) version of the strategy all the way up to a sophisticated approach using Swiss bank storage of selected assets for geographic and political diversification. In all cases, the authors provide step-by-step guidance based upon personal experience.This timeless strategy is supported by more than three decades of empirical evidenceThe authors skillfully explain how to incorporate the ideas of the Permanent Portfolio into your financial endeavors in order to maintain, protect, and grow your moneyIncludes select updates of Harry Brownes Permanent Portfolio approach, which reflect our changing timesThe Permanent Portfolio is an essential guide for investors who are serious about building a better portfolio.
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