FULL The Nautilus Sanction by Simon Hawke (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

FULL The Nautilus Sanction by Simon Hawke (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

FULL The Nautilus Sanction by Simon Hawke (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

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Book description
The fifth of Simon Hawks brilliant Time Wars series returns to print and brings the legendary submarine Nautilus back with it.Aboard her is none other than Jules Verne himself in an adventure that pits the Time Commandos against a ruthless fanatic who hijacks a 20th-century Soviet nuclear sub and time-trips it back to the era of the clipper ship, there to hatch a plot that will plunge all of Time itself into an endless war. Nonstop action and fascinating ideas make this a worthy addition to the series and a must read for Time Wars fans.
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